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Sophie's POV

"Keeefe" I groaned. "Would you tell me where you're taking us?"
"It's a surprise, Foster." He laughed.
As much as I loved that adorable laugh of his, I did want to know where he was taking us. We sat together on Silveny's back, flying high enough in the air for the buildings to look like ants. With Keefe I front of me, leading the way to wherever it is we were going. I wrapped my arms around him for support.
"Surprise or not," I said, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Would you atleast tell me why you basically broke into my house, gave me no time to prepare myself for this, and tackled me to come with you?"
"Simple." He sighed, and turned to face me. "I've missed you, Foster."
I raised an eyebrow at him. "Is that so?"
Keefe blushed.
I laughed and kissed his cheek.
"You ready?" He asked.
"For what?"
Suddenly, he plummeted off of Silveny, dragging me along with him. Oh, I forgot to mention, we were about 700 feet in the air, falling to our deaths.
I found Keefe and grabbed his hand, shutting my eyes, trying to concentrate, my teeth felt like they were going to break and shatter by all the cold and pressure on them. It felt like I had left my mine back on Silveny, and like my head was down to my toes. I did not enjoy the feeling.
Nevertheless, I had to do something, I had to take action for Keefe's dumbfounded moves.
I imagined creating a rip in the sky, like torned jeans. We blasted into that rip and it folded us into a million pieces, bending my body as if it were origami.
Then, in the blink of an eye, it was over and we were standing on a beautiful deserted beach, that I recognized very well.
I remembered a vague memory of my younger self, splashing around in the waves of this beach with my younger sister Amy, and my old parents.
I blinked away a tear.
"Where'd you take us?" Keefe looked at me.
"A beach I used to go to with my old family in San Diego." I told him, with my head down.
"Oh." He said. "Why?"
"Don't know. First thing that came to mind." I shuffled
"But," I turned towards him. "I have a better question for you."
"What's that?" He smirked and tucked my hair behind me ear. My stomach did a series of flips.
"Why, Keefe," I punched him lightly in the gut. "Did you very stupidly jump off Silveny? We could have died!"
He stood there and laughed. "Well, Foster," he leaned in closer to me. "I knew you'd get us to safety. Like you did."
I could feel the heat rising up to my face.
"Is that so?" I smiled.
Surprising myself, I stood up, put my arms around Keefe's neck, and kissed him.
He placed a hand on my waist and traced his fingers on my cheek so softly it was as if if he pushed too hard I would shatter.
He kissed me gently.
We split apart a few seconds later.
"Not bad." Keefe laughed.
"Oh, shut up." I told him, trying to hide my smile.
I cupped my hands with water from the ocean at our feet, and splashed it at his face.
"Hey!" He protested.
I laughed and held my stomach.
"It's on, Foster." He said, with his trademark smirk.
He splashed water all over my shirt.
"Keefe!" I said. "You got my clothes are wet!"
"All is fair in love and war." He smirked.
I splashed as much water as I could on his shirt.
"Really, Foster?" He said.
I layed down on the soft sand with my hands spread out and my legs crossed. "Really."
My stomach did more flips and turns and heat rose up to my face as Keefe unexpectedly took his shirt off.
"Oh?" I said, raising an eyebrow, trying not to stare at his somewhat muscular body.
"What?" He said accusingly. "You got my shirt all wet."
He laughed, washing away all my worries and all the pressure on my back with school and everything going on. His laughter was my medicine.
I walked up to him, and put my arms around his neck.
"You know," I said, can't helping the smile that crept it's way onto my heated face. "We should do this more often."
"Whatever you say, Foster," He smirked and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him, like a magnet.
He kissed me, gentle and quick, I loved it.
I laughed and splashed more water on his face.
We ran along the shore, occasionally playfully splashing water on each other for what seemed like hours. I didn't want it to end.
By the time we had finished, it was around sunset, and my clothes were sticking wet to my body. I sat down on the soft sand of the beach, exhausted and my heart racing at 70 miles per hour.
Keefe joined me on the comfortable ground of the beach, and we sat in comfortable silence.
He wrapped a comforting and protective arm around me, and I nuzzled into his chest, feeling warmth as we watched the sunset.
"I love you, Foster." I heard a whisper in my ear.

A/N: hey hey hey hope you enjoyed that!

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