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"Why exactly should we listen to you? We're just checking the house out then going home." Mark said. The three of them turned around to continue walking, using Haechan's phone as a compass. Jeno hadn't stopped talking about how unsafe it was and how he (as part of the school body) would be held responsible if a bunch of sophomores went missing when he was the last person to talk to them.

"I insist that you all either get home or back to the party until someone comes to pick you up" He nagged pacing behind them.

"I swear I heard something? There's no one there though" Haechan giggled maniacally, pretending he couldn't hear Jeno's warnings as he continued to skip down the pavement. Mark smiled at him and decided to play along.

"Nope. Must just be the wind" He added trying his best not to burst into laughter. Renjun paused, innocently looking behind him then back at his friends,

"Jeno is right there, you guys" He said sounding disoriented. They both face palmed, Mark mentally and Haechan physically.

"W-we know, Renjun" Haechan wasn't sure if he was really that easy to confuse or if Renjun too was joking, either way they continued to walk.
2 minutes turned to 4, and 4 to 6 until they could see the small eerie house just around the corner. The houses surrounding it were modern, the neighbourhoods hedges neatly trimmed, its grass freshly cut. Jeno started walking beside them quietly instead of nagging behind them. He and Renjun had been holding a light conversation until Jeno's phone rang.

"Wait I need to take this" the caller ID said NaNa with a bunch of multi-coloured hearts next to it. He tapped the small green button and stopped, pressing the phone to his ear. The rest did the same; maintaining silence so that eavesdropping on his conversation could be made easier.

"Hey? Where are you? I didn't see you leave" the worried voice rang.
"Sorry Jaemin, these dumb sophomores" Jeno paused to glare at the three standing in front of him.
"They wanted to go stay in the Morton's but I'm probably just gonna walk them home"
"It's boring without you, you know?" The line was breaking, probably due to the fall of thick snow that night. A faint blush grew on Jeno's face. Haechan laughed obnoxiously, making retching noises and trying to mask how envious he was of the obviously romantic scene he was witnessing.

Jeno rolled his eyes and returned his attention to the call,
"You were saying?"
"No it's alright, just wanted to know if I should get going home yet"
"I'll be back soon but you should stay inside, it's warmer" Jeno was careful with Jaemin in a way that oozed affection.
"Try not to be late. Stay safe, alright?" the voice hummed coming to the end of the call.
"I will," he stopped to lower his voice "I love you"
"I love you too" Jaemin chuckled hanging up the phone and walked back into the hall feeling happy and warm. Meanwhile, Jeno locked his
phone only to realise the three were already half way down the road.

He ran as fast as he could trying to catch up, Haechan noticed and declared
"We're running away from you, take a hint!"
Jeno smirked, he quickly reached them seeing as one of his wide steps were equal to about 4 of Haechan's. He wanted to say something but everyone stopped before he could. They were finally in front of the house they'd been warned about all night. Jaws dropped at the sight of the chilling structure ahead of them, confused as to how it hadn't been blown over by the wind. Where other houses placed freshly painted fences, this one had obviously rotten far before any of the boys were even born. It was covered in stinging nettles, in which bits of animal fur had gotten caught. Behind it was a bed of grass that had to be at the very least waist length, it covered the yard almost wholly; except for the heavy marble slabs that ran down the middle of it to a small set of stairs.

Haechan smiled satisfactorily at Renjun's expression, it was devoid of his usual warm glow as if he'd just seen the devil. Mark looking more enchanted than scared thought that it looked artistic. There was a certain sense of mystery surrounding the house, a sense he couldn't shake. He liked that about it.

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