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"Oh my god, which one of you idiots did that?" Jeno asked in a high pitched panic. He pointed at the now shut door, somewhat expecting the boys to all laugh and come clean. On the contrary, they all stood stiff as planks of wood, their expressions just as panicked as Jeno's. Not waiting for an answer, he ran to the door, yanking at the handle, pushing and pulling it with all his might. In spite of his effort, the door wouldn't budge. Haechan smiled at the idea of the house now being all theirs to roam freely.

"I bet it's those dumb seniors, let's just look around until they get tired of holding it shut," he grinned. Mark wasn't totally on board with the idea but at the same time, it didn't sound that bad.

"Don't just stand there, help me open this thing," Jeno pleaded, Mark smiled half-heartedly and – followed by Renjun – walked over to the door to help Jeno. As soon as he pulled for the first time, Mark knew that this was no person holding it shut. Usually when Haechan would push mark out of his own room, the door would move at least a little bit. This handle though it was fixed, inhumanly still under the force he exerted on it. Even the old rotting wood was stagnant, no matter how many times Mark and Jeno rammed into it together, it was like it had turned to concrete.

"It's no use, we can probably find a window that opens though," Renjun smiled, trying to make the best of the situation.

"That's a great idea, so let's go upstairs," Haechan agreed, practically jumping for joy. "Come on then mates, off we pop," he continued in the worst British accent ever used on the planet. Mark smiled sympathetically at Jeno who was muttering under his breath, just as panicked as ever.

Mark took one last look at the frosty glass, he could still faintly make out the calm street outside; it comforted him. Donghyuk laughed condescendingly at the way Mark stared out of the window.

"Awe, is our little baby too scared to climb an itsy bitsy stair case?" he teased, pulling a face. Mark cringed, his heart racing at the nickname. He smiled nervously, expression speaking the words his lips wouldn't. Haechan was amused at the sight of Renjun trying to help calm down a frantic Jeno at the bottom of the stair case. Maybe a little too amused, as he didn't notice Mark stumble on the steps until the older boys hands clung to the back of his black hoodie.

Haechan let out a confused yelp as he felt his centre of gravity shift swiftly backwards. The two fell together, Haechan's back colliding with the cold wooden floor. Mark was startled for a second, collecting himself from the fall, lifting his head from his friends chest slowly. Their eyes met only for a second until Donghyuk pressed himself back up on his hands and Mark did the same, quickly moving back.

"I'm sorry," He blurted out quickly.

"Just watch your step next time." For the first time that night, the usually cocky, loud-mouthed boy had fallen silent. He turned away from Mark and busied himself with his phone before anyone else could notice the pink stain starting to grow across his face.

"That wasn't awkward at all," Renjun hummed, coming up the steps. Jeno wasn't sure how to feel; of course he was mad, who wouldn't be after involuntarily getting locked into some creepy place with three dumb teenagers that he'd never met prior to that night. A huge part of him though, was mortified of being in a house rumoured to be filled with angry spirits, but was that all they were? Rumours?
Maybe. But that didn't stop the chills from running down his back, or his heart from racing uncontrollably every time he heard the floor boards ache eerily. At least he really hoped it was the floor boards.

"Jeno-hyung, are you coming up?" Haechan called out in an effort to be as polite and cordial as possible, he could see that his school mate was tense and anxious and didn't want to worsen it any more.

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