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The room was filled with nothing but Mark's pained screams when he fell to his knees, his hands flailed about as his mind was working at the speed of light trying to think if should touch the glass and try to remove it or if that would push them deeper in. He tried his best to clear his head and think rationally but everything was just like a knot in his mind, the more he tried to push the pain aside the more tangled up everything got.

"Well one of you do something!" Haechan yelled looking at the two who were still standing as his hand ran up and down marks back slowly, trying to comfort him. Jeno took a deep breath,

Stay calm when treating a wounded person

He tried to remind himself of any training he'd been through or even if he had any experience with pulling shards of glass out of peoples foreheads.

"Okay. Mark I'm gonna do these quick, like popping a pimple alright?" He said masking the panic in his heart with a bright smile. Mark groaned somewhat of a reply that gave his friend the green light to start pulling out the shards. Jeno spat on his sleeves and covered his thumbs with the moistened fabric. Donghyuck shot him a disgusted look but the dark haired boy snapped back,

"I'm sorry do you see any water around here?!" Haechan remained silent and looked back at mark, his eyes scrunched up, bracing himself for the pain that would soon be ensued.

Jeno removed the first shard swiftly and with force, mark breathed in deeply trying not to scream out. This was not what he'd signed up for. Haechan's hand moved down to clench mark's for... you know, moral support.

For about 10 minutes, Jeno continued his technique of pressing his thumbs either side of each small piece of glass then pulling it out and pushing it into the rubber bottoms of his converse. This was to make sure there was no chance of the shards getting on anyone else, or one of the other boys hurting themselves in general.

By the time he managed to get all the shards out, there were several fine streaks of blood leaking from Mark's forehead. They were so thin it was almost as if they'd been drawn on with a deep red pen. Jeno held up Mark's chin with one hand and the other gently dabbed the spots where the glass had been using his sleeve that was still a little wet from earlier.

Renjun however, had been pacing back and forth for a good twelve minutes. He thought of a plan to get the four of them out by any means. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he practically jumped out of his skin at the sound of Haechan's phone ringing from across the room. The boys all gathered around Donghyuck as he lifted the phone from the chest of drawers next to Mark's.


"Yes, hello Donghyuck. Is Mark there by any chance?" His brother asked. It was crystal clear that Johnny was practically fuming as he sped his silver Porsche 911 down the street with his phone pressed between his shoulder and ear.

"Uh, yeah?" Haechan answered faintly. Mark was terrible in situations like this and with his current state, he knew he'd mess everything up even more.

"Well can you put him through then?" Johnny was losing patience faster than his brother was losing blood. Tense and shaky, Mark took the phone and put it on speaker so the tremble in his voice was at least a little less audible. A billion thoughts and excuses raced through his brain but none made enough sense.

"He-" The boy could hardly utter a syllable before a stern voice cut him off.

"Mark Seo, where on god's green earth do you think you are?! How many times have I told you about that street? Huh?"

"I'm so-"

Cut off again.

"No you're not, I've told you to loosen up on things like this recently. I'm drowning in work, Mark. Getting lost on a Friday night? What would mum and dad say? You know I can't be here worrying about you when I have their divorce case on my h-" This time it was Mark who interrupted his brother.

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