02 | day -1795

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note: the negative (and the large ass number) indicate a day from the past 

WARNING: viewer's discretion advised - uncontrollable thirst may follow this video  

It was becoming a routine.

Jungkook dreaded waking up every morning, bones heavy with reluctance and eyes lidded with irritation. His cabin mates had learned not to approach him in the mornings - not unless they wanted to be scolded. While Jungkook's mood always lightened by the end of the day and he made it a point to apologize, nobody particularly liked him. He didn't exactly hold back when he spat insults at the campers as he brushed his teeth. Then again, it wasn't his fault that he was at the wrong camp altogether.

He dreaded going to the dining hall for breakfast. His insults from earlier in the morning or from the days before weren't forgotten - they were used against him. Those who knew Jungkook, or knew of him, moved to a different table when they saw him approaching. Those who didn't know him looked at him confusedly whenever he took a quiet seat at their table. Everybody had established their friend groups, even the new campers like Jungkook. Everybody wondered why Jungkook still wandered like a nomad, but it didn't take long for them to realize. Now that was his fault.

His days were going by pointless, aimless. The constant hum of voices irritated him. Jungkook preferred to block out noise with earphones and drown it out with music. Everywhere he went, people were asking him if he wanted to join a game, or go for a swim, or throw them their lost ball. If he was in the forest, some camper was digging around searching for worms to fish with. If he was loitering around cabins, Kim Seokjin was pushing him to put himself out in the open for people to approach. If Jungkook was on the beach, he was listening to the shriek of the lifeguard's whistle and if he was on the sports field, he was listening to teammates argue. The sound never died, but as the hours in his day ticked by, Jungkook did.

The outdoors didn't seem nearly as beautiful through his eyes. Something about seeing the world through a camera lens enhanced the way sunlight beat down on masses of sand and the way leaves shadowed a budding batch of dandelions. Without a camera, the streak of blue in the sky dotted with puffs of white didn't seem to part for hues of orange and yellow. Without anything to record the birds chirping or the lake water lapping at his toes or the summer wind whistling in his ears, nothing seemed real - everything seemed forgettable.

Without company, Jungkook didn't have much to do. His mornings were slow. There were only so many friendship bracelets he could make with the little girls before his backpack started overflowing with them. His afternoons were even slower. With a hefty lunch in their stomachs, campers littered the lakeside and the soccer fields. The volleyball courts and tennis courts were rarely open too. Still, it wasn't like Jungkook would've gone to any of the fields since all the sports required friends - something Jungkook had yet to have.

The same people polluted the volleyball courts every afternoon. There was the girl who insisted she play in her striped bikini even though her tits fell out every time she dove for the ball. There were twins who wore the same basketball shorts and shoes and jersey and demanded they be on the same team. There was the boy with bottle-cap glasses with a killer serve and his younger sister who never missed the opportunity to spike a win. And then there was the boy with curled lavender hair and doughy cheeks. Even with the softest features out of everyone on the court, he was the leader. He was the only with an unwavering aura. His formations were used; his calls were followed; his decisions were final.

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