03 | day 3

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note: we're back in present day

WARNING: viewer's discretion advised - this video almost killed me taehyung is indeed beautiful

Jimin wasn't a half-bad instructor, but he still made for a better friend.

Before the trio could become counselors - Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung - they had to be campers, and they were significantly better at wasting the day away than they were keeping any eye on kids. Jimin was always at Jungkook's side, who was always at Taehyung's side, and while the three spent all their time together, little of it was spent getting to know each other. Jungkook was normally too busy pelting the back of Jimin's head with a beach ball and Taehyung was always throwing sand at the two trying to break up the fight.

As it turned out, Jungkook was so busy giving Jimin piggyback rides around the campsite that he forgot to ask Jimin what he was like outside of camp.

He knew Jimin was older than both him and Taehyung, though only a few months older than the latter. He knew that Jimin took pride in his eyes and how, when he smiled, the same lightness reflected in the shadows of his irises. He knew that the way they moved was in stark contrast - whenever the boys had their annual dance battle, Jimin moved with a fluid lyricism, the wave of his arms languid but the point in his toes sharp. Jungkook also knew that Jimin took pride in silken shirts, valued his friends and family over everything else, and despised amusement parks.

Still, he didn't know what Jimin dressed like outside of camp. He didn't know what Jimin's favorite and least favorite subjects in college were and he didn't know what the older boy liked to do in his spare time. It wasn't that Jungkook was a bad friend - there wasn't nearly enough time in the summer for him to get to know Jimin and Taehyung the way he wanted to, especially when he had to choose between talking to them and messing around with them.

But, things were different now that Jungkook and Jimin didn't have the option of throwing balls at each other to avoid conversation. The breakfast shift was generally packed with other counselors, but as the sun rose and set, it turned out that the number of campers showing up in the dining hall fluctuated. The dinner rush wasn't nearly as busy as the morning stampede and that meant less staff in the kitchen - that meant Jimin and Jungkook were shoulder to shoulder more often than they were used to. Though Jungkook was too low in the ranks to be cooking meals, he was in charge of meal prep for the next day.

Jimin was normally watching around Jungkook's bicep as the younger boy moved around the kitchen. Even when he was cooking, his movements were quick and calculated. He didn't reach out for a spatula unless he was sure he needed it; he didn't turn his attention to the pots on the stove unless he noticed his marinade boiling. When Jungkook cut vegetables, each slice was swift, his wrist snapping down before easing back up. He moved about the kitchen the same way he did the dance floor - like he owned the place.

Though only two days had passed since Jungkook had shown up at camp, Jimin had to remind himself to keep his mouth closed around the boy. Not to keep from talking to Jungkook, but to keep his jaw from hitting the floor in awe. The baby fat was still there in his cheeks, but that was where the similarities ended. With darker eyes, side-parted hair, and pouty lips, Jungkook was almost unrecognizable to Jimin.

If Jimin hadn't known that someone already had their eyes on Jungkook, he was sure he would've tried his hand with the younger boy.

Jungkook groaned for the umpteenth time as finished cutting up the last of the celery stalks. "Who the fuck is even going to eat this celery?"

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