04 | day 9

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WARNING: viewer's discretion advised - jungkook is the cutest jellybean ever

Camp counselors were given two breaks on any given day, and it just so happened that Jungkook and Taehyung's coincided. Whenever a counselor in training was released from duty, so was their trainer and, for two half hours in every day, the inseparable pair broke apart. It was why Jimin was sitting in the soccer field with Taehyung's trainee, and Taehyung was keeping Jungkook company at the management office.

Technically, Taehyung should've been cleaning out the boy's showers, but when he saw the look of exhaustion on Jungkook's face, he'd found someone else to cover him. Taehyung quirked his head to the side at the thought of Jungkook's dipped lips and scrunched nose, packaged popsicle and ice cream in hand.

He wouldn't have held the younger boy accountable if he'd been tired from looking after the kids. When Taehyung tried to think back to his first summer as a counselor, all he could remember was making rounds in the morning to wake campers up, chasing boys in the afternoon trying to get them to keep their swim trunks on, and sitting in the infirmary to help deal with the eighth bloody nose of the night. Every night, the older boy's bones croaked and his muscles moaned and his blood boiled, but it was a rinse and repeat of events the next day.

Taehyung's exhaustion had come from counselor duties; Jungkook's exhaustion came from arguing with Jin in his spare time.

Jungkook didn't like the way the words Camp Wakatata looked on his resume. In fact, he was afraid to list the summer job as a professional experience because of how ridiculous the camp's name was. Jungkook had gone into the management building with the intention of asking Namjoon if the camp had any nicknames. Unfortunately for him, Namjoon was working kitchen duty during the day and it was Jin that he had to answer to. If there was anything that Jungkook had learned about the oldest boy in his last four years at camp, it was that, when Jin took pride in something, he took full offense whenever it was questioned.

Jin hadn't been insulted when Jungkook, unabashedly, brought up how amusing the name Wakatata was. The older hadn't looked up from his papers when he said, "Then you should've applied to Royalwood Resorts eight miles from here."

He was offended by Jungkook saying, "Camp Wakatata... Who even came up with that name?"

Jin, having been working at the camp for so long, had spirit, and it was not amused by Jungkook mispronouncing the name. "Four summers," he reminded. "Four summers I raised you like you were my own and you can't even pronounce Wakatata properly?"

Jungkook smiled at the Taehyung as the older handed him his ice cream, but that didn't stop him from imitating Jin. "Not tata as in ta-ta-bye-bye. We're not piano's; we don't speak in fucking staccato. Do you see people going around and pronouncing titty as tit-tee? No, because everyone pronounces titty like ti-dee."

Taehyung chuckled, but Jungkook didn't stop. He went the extra mile to swish his hair, shake his head, and make his eyes extra wide. If Jungkook tried hard enough, he could make the vein in his neck protrude. "It's the same logic here," he mocked, repeating Jin's words verbatim. "Ti-dee, and ta-da. Titty, and Wakatata - no, don't roll your eyes and laugh at me. Repeat it with me, you useless goblin."

In spite of the sun being on full-rise and on full-display, Jungkook and Taehyung were still cool. The management office was the only building on the campground to have a canopy over the patio. It was always war among counselors to reserve the patio - it was on first come, first serve basis, and that day, nobody could beat Jungkook. He hadn't been planning on claiming the patio but with Jin making him serve a time-out outside the office, Jungkook had nowhere else to go and nobody else dared to get on Jin's bad side.

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