Just make yourself at home

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There are plenty things that could happen to you. Maybe get kidnapped, killed, fall on a bar of soap in the shower or become a victim of stalking from a muscled vampire that makes Edward think twice on stepping toward the sun.

Plus the guy is using your bar of soap it's not bad but come on! At least put it back! Like no joke this guy just comes into your apartment like the Prince of Egypt uses your kitchen and shower and never lowers the toilet seat. ;-; it's not a fun experience…..

But you thought it was okay just as long as he doesn't organize your drawers and….

That is way too late…

;-; the OCD is real right now…

Your underwear!

All folded nicely and arranged in color.

Your shirts arranged in color.

The carpet! Oh the carpet!!!

It has been vacuumed!

The floor was swept and the fridge was organized.

So satisfying but still.

“You always seem so busy not having enough time to clean up after yourself so I decided to fix up your home.” The warm welcoming voice comes from the hall as the man who has made your home his home walks in with a white fluffy dog.

“Is, is that my dog?” You ask not recognizing it from the white puffy hair it now has. “Yes. I apologise but I may have turned him into a vampire dog.” Setting down your dog you watch him walk past you like a royal dog. The dog walks out of the house and let's the sun burn him into ashes in the wind.

“Puchi?” You say in disbelief that your dog just turned to ashes and disappeared. “Puchi?”

You say his name again hoping for him to come back then you realize you just watched your dog actually die and disappear. “My dog left me faster than my ex.”

Vanilla ice cautiously walks around the door and closes it. “Ex?” He asks raising an eyebrow as you keep looking at the door in disbelief.


Vanilla Ice looks around the room thinking before he finally looks down at you. “He disappeared.” Flopping on the couch Vanilla remembers that one night he came into your home and found a guy but he thought the man was robbing your home so he killed him.

“Have no idea on who you may be talking about.” Shrugging he fetches you a soft drink sitting by your side ready to support you so hard. “Thanks. Uhm. So are you just moving in all of a sudden?”

Popping the soft drink you squint while sipping it and he leans in closer staring into yours. “Yes. And I do not want anyone else in your home. I do apologise for the dog though. I'll get you another one. Perhaps a cat would be better. Also you shouldn't be buying so much junk food there's nothing for me to have ready for you when you return.”

Looking down at your carpet you block everything he's saying and just slide down face first. “Oh. Gawd. So soft…” as freaky as it is for a muscled model to break into your apartment and start doing everything you wish him not to do it's actually pretty cool cuz you are lonely. ;-; too lonely….

Especially now that you have no dogo. “Like rest in peace solitary life.”

You mumble and he looks down at you lifting you back up onto his lap. “I'm not done. As well please just set your clothes on the bed and I'll wash them. But for now I failed in making you super but night is close and I'll be able to take you to the Giant M place.”


“Yes. Whatever this McDonald's is I'll take you. Seems popular.” Cuddling you close you blush feeling the iron of a chest he has. “My God..I can grind cheese on these.” Slobbering you rub your hands up and down but stop realizing just how bad this is.

“Has my desperation of needing to be loved leading me to accepting this muscled model into my apartment?" Talking out loud Vanilla ice tries to figure out if you are complimenting or insulting him.

Discontinued Vanilla Ice x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now