Losing more than just weight

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John has put little tea light on the entire stair that led to the sand,  

and in the sand he spelled  

"Milena bo ke ta mi frei?"(Milena do you want to be my girlfriend?) 

I stood there shocked by the beauty of it all, as the whole scene unfolded in front of me.

The sun has just set and the clouds were a mix of orange and black, there was a light breeze that gave the coconut trees some rhythm.  

The little lights give it the ultimate romantic touch.

"SIIII" I heard Milena whispering in Johns ear,  

"Of course I want to be your girlfriend"

When John leaned in closer to kiss Milena, I turned around for I could not continue to look at them further.

I mean, I don't want to be rude, and I want to be happy for her, But it's just so difficult, to be happy when I want what she have so badly.

I know I have allot of friends, and I Know that people like me, because I am fun to be around, all my guy friends come for relationship advice, but never shows any real interest in me, all the advise I gave them actually work. And the worst part is, I have never been in a relationship before.  

Every guy I have met, want the stereotype of the beautiful girl.  

And yes I know I look very confidence, and sometimes I really feel confidence, but it's these times, where reality hits me, and I realize, nobody ever truly wants to be with me, I am just "that good friend" 

A girl with enough Ideas to help everyone out with their paper, a girl that is nice enough to be asked to everyone's party, and then ends up serving drinks for all her friends, while they are making out.

I don't want to be ungrateful, but Milena gets everything I wish to have, without she even really wanting it,  

and I have to pretend to be happy for her, and she....... 


"why are you standing here alone, what's wrong with you" I saw Dave rushing towards me with an preoccupied face 

when I turned around I realized that I really was standing here all alone. 

"Oh, nothing's wrong D, I was just amazed by the beauty of it all" I try to say with a amazed look. 

I pointed to the stairs and the sand, where the little tea lights where lit.

Dave smiled at me and gave me a friendly hug. 

I just wanted to burst in tears.  

I did my best to put on a smile, and I went inside to my "prom"

Milena walked towards me with a huge grin on her face, ready to tell me everything that happened.  

But my decision has been made, tonight is the last night that I am going to be "little miss nice girl"


" you cannot imagine what happen" Milena said excited 

"You know what Milena, I really don't care, have a great night" 

I said those words with venom, I already know my night was ruined. 

Milena was standing there stunned, and I walked right pass her, Dave gave me a weird look, but I ignored him also. Tonight I am going to be different.

The old Luna is gone, time for the new one.

Loosing more then just weightWhere stories live. Discover now