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What am I to do,
When there's nothing left,
Nothing left to appreciate besides the small things,
That bring a happiness of impermanence,
Autumn leaves crunching underfoot,
Coffee scent seeping from the mug,
Warm blankets and soft pillows,
But what am I to do when all of that disappears and there is no comfort,
Through screaming into pillows,
And crying into the darkness,
When I fall asleep with a tear dried face into a fitful unrest,
And I wake up with a sense of emptiness and dark blue eyes,
I am desperate,
I know it's always the wrong place and time,
What have I become,
I'm just full of sickness and disgust,
I'm just trying to find my place,
I don't have one,
I guess I'm not meant to fit in,
I'm meant to spend my nights crying into my sheets,
And waking surrounding in dry sheets which only reminiscence of the night before,
I'm just so sick and so disgusting, I'm just so wrong, like a puzzle piece which fits nowhere,
I'm fighting the urge so hard to end  it all,
I want to please, let me,
But I can't,
Just let me be happy for a whole day,
Just let me drown

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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