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(that's my dyke, okurt? okurt!)


"Wake up bitch." I heard making me turn my head. The masked face looked at me and I whimpered as he got closer.
"I swear Nicholas is gonna come and fuck you up- AHHHHH!" I screamed in pain as he smacked me across my face.

"You dumb bitch, Nicholas doesn't love you. That's why he fucks you and then leaves you to rot. And he abuses you." I shook my head.
"Nicholas loves me, okay. I don't need you to tell me he doesn't." I laughed and the person smacked me again.

I hissed and cried. Nicholas was never.

"So you don't know who I am, right?"
"Um no. Do I look stupid, you're wearing a mask." I remarked and the person chuckled.
"If Nicholas cared about you he would be here, ain't that right"
"Why do you keep bringing him up? You must be obsessed." I mumbled. Never did a kidnapper care about MY relationship, wow.

"Fuck you Zion, I've liked you all this time and you didn't notice because you were so wrapped up lust! You dumb bitch! Yeah Nicholas might have a bigger dick and be more masculine but damn! You couldn't give me a chance huh?" I was so confused it wasn't funny.

Nicholas was my first boyfriend, and I liked him, he had to get to like me before we even got serious. At first, he didn't even know I existed. He was so fine back then, he still is but that ponytail and he always had a gun on him, even in school. He didn't car and he such a hood nigga. Even though he is a cheater and what not, I couldn't say I didn't see it coming. He cheated on ALL his other girlfriends and me being his first boyfriend, he was of course gonna cheat on me. He's been used to pussy so changing it up like this must've bee-

"ARE YOU LISTENING?! YOU DUMB BITCH!" The person yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.
"No, actually I wasn't. Please repeat yourself." I said and he sighed.
"I love you Zion, I really do. I wish we could work it out-."
"The past is the past." He mumbled and I made a face.

"Bi- shut up. Stop talking to me. Wait til my boyfriend come and kill yo ass because he's a really nigga unlike YOU!" I said and he chuckled.
"Then where is he?" I bit my lip.
"He's coming." I mumbled and he laughed.
"Yeah, I can't wait to see that." He chuckled walking out leaving me in this dark room all alone.


It feels like I been in here for like 2 hours and I was getting colder and colder with every minute I was in here. I heard gunshots and I screamed. I ducked as I seen the door open.
"Nigga, stop flinching." I heard from my first love.

"Baby! Oh my gosh! I missed you!" I cried as he untied me. He picked me up and kissed me passionately.
"I love you Zion, I can't believe that your own bitch ass friend would do that, see. This is why I told you to not to fuck with them. You just don't list-."
"NICHOLAS SHUSH! I love you baby!" I said kissing him passionately and he laughed.

"I'm talking too much right? I know-."
"Baby, you're still talking, just shut the fuck up." I laughed.
"Watch your kouth before I fuck you in this cold ass room, make your cum freeze before it could leave your damn body." I scrunched up my face.

"That sounds nasty Nicholas." I laughed and he chuckled kissing my neck.
"I love love love you Zion, don't let nobody tell you differently." I nodded.
"It's so cold, can we leave now?" He nodded and carried me outside where it was actually pretty warm. I placed my face in his neck.

"So, who was it?"
"Umm that Mexican one. Look like he just crossed the border." I gasped and shook my head.
"Baby that's racist. Don't say that." I scolded and he laughed.
"He's your "best friend", you should know." I gasped.

"Julius?!" He nodded.
"Yeah. Sneaky lil muhfucka, ooh I should shoot him again."
"No babe, that's too much." He gasped.
"What?! You were kidnapped and look at this knot on my head! That's too much!" He exclaimed.
"But you killed him."
"Because he deserved to die. I'll kill for the ones I love."

"Well, I love you too."


hope you enjoy, unedited

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