To the Father that Never Tried

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To the father that never tried

Yes I'm talking about you dad

To the father that never tried

Even when I was a child

To the father that never tried

you never made time for me

to the father that never tried

I'm only an inconvenience

to the father that never tried

you're supposed to be my hero

to the father that never tried

the man I look up to

to the father that never tried

when I'm an adult

to the father that never tried

you're supposed to walk me down the aisle

To the father that never tried

to the man of my dreams

to the father that never tried

and to my future

to the father that never tried

but that wont happen

to the father that never tried

because you simply never tried


I love you guys

Stay beautiful, loyal, and forever understanding.

Liv SH

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