Chapter 1: 2 Years Later, What Changed?

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The night is quiet as a lone walker roams through an empty forest, looking for anything to sink its teeth into and rip apart. It turns in the direction of approaching footsteps. The walker goes to attack whatever it is, only to be shoved out of the way by a man, who runs past the walker and deeper into the forest. The walker goes to shuffle after the man, only to hear more loud footsteps from behind it, and the to be shot in the back of the head.

"Fuck!" The man who pushed the walker says as he keeps running. "She's still on me, why won't she just leave me alone?!" He asks himself while running. Several more gunshots ring through the air and hit the trees the man passes, nearly hitting him. "Shit!" He yells as he keeps on running.

Not before long however; a bullet hits the man right in the back of the leg. This causes the man to obviously fall to the ground. "Dammit!" He says, as he desperately tries to continue on by crawling. Of course, he doesn't get far, since a woman walks right up to him with an assault rifle in her hands.

"You know, the last person who ran from me at least was smart enough to zig-zag while he ran. I still got him, but it took a lot longer than it did with you." The woman says through the mask covering only her mouth. "Screw you!" The man says. The woman kneels in front of him. "Typical New Frontier assholes, you never keep your mouths shut. I bet David told you to act like that, huh?" "How the hell do you know David?" The man asks, hoping to distract her long enough to grab the gun in his back pocket. "Let's say I've met the guy, but I wasn't a fan of his little dictatorship he runs with his friends." "The New Frontier isn't a dictatorship." The man says, while slowly reaching for his back pocket. "Uh Huh, sure. Keep telling yourself that. Now, to get straight to the point, I'm going to ask you some questions. You answer them TRUTHFULLY, and I'll let you live, plain and simple." "You little brat!" The man yells as he grabs his gun, and pulls it out to shoot her.

The woman, on the other hand, saw this coming a mile away. So, she drops her assault rifle and grabs the man's wrist, twisting it hard enough so that the man drops the gun. She bends the arm the way it's not supposed to bend, and strikes the man right in the elbow, breaking his arm. The man screams in pain and grabs his broken arm. "Saved this guy a few months back. Turns out he was an army infiltration unit. As a reward for saving him, he taught me close quarters combat." The woman explains, but the man is still screaming. The woman sighs. "If you didn't want to know, then you shouldn't have tried to attack me." She grabs her assault rifle and smacks the man in the head with it, knocking him out. She then grabs the man's leg and starts dragging him through the forest.

In a run down mobile home in between the edge of the forest and the edge of a cliff, Clementine is cooking a weasel on a pole over a fire. "Just like Christa showed me." She says to herself. She spins the weasel above the fire, and notices the lack of fire there is. "Better get more firewood." She walks over to where she kept extra logs for firewood, only to slam her foot into a log she didn't see. "Ah! Fuck!" She falls to the ground and grabs her foot. "Damn missing eye!" She yells in pain, but quickly shuts herself up when she hears footsteps approaching her camp. She quickly gets up and pulls out her gun. "Who's there?" She asks. "Relax, Clem." She hears a woman's voice say. "It's just me." The woman says dragging the New Frontier man towards Clem.

Clem lowers the gun. "You need to warn me next time, Sarah." Sarah pulls the mask down off her face and smiles. "It's fun to mess with you." She says. "I'm going to end up shooting you." Clem says. "Hey, you haven't shot me yet, even as you're crazy self." Sarah drags the man over to the mobile home and sets him against it. Clem looks at the man closer. "Holy shit....what'd you do to him?" "Well...first he ran, like the others, so I shot him in the leg. Then he tried to shoot me when I got close, so I broke his arm." "I'm really regretting saving that army guy." "If I recall, you wanted to save him just as much as I did." "I know, but I didn't think he'd teach you how to break arms." Clem walks over to her bag and opens it, pulling out a pair of handcuffs. "Think he'll talk?" She asks Sarah. "Doubt it. Didn't answer me earlier." "Well, he still had a chance to escape alive." Clem handcuffs the man's unbroken arm to a hole in the side of mobile home under the window. "Still, we gotta try." "I know, Clem. I know." Sarah sets the assault rifle down and takes off her old jacket she's worn since the cabin group two years ago. Underneath, she's got a black t-shirt on.

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