I slowly opened the door while grabbing a pan.
"Don't hit me!" said the guy.
"And why shouldn't I?"
"Because..." he paused for a while, silently debating in his head, "I am ... I am Alex Xavier Knight."
I raised the pan even higher.
"No, no, please don't!"
I did it. I threw the pan at him. Instead of hitting him, square in the face, it hit his wrist. Damn.
"What are you, crazy?!" He cried out grabbing his wrist. It was throbbing red.
"Well, you tell me. I just had someone break into my house. What ever could make me act like this?" I mocked him sarcastically.
"I had a good reason!"
"Yeah, and what was that? Because you felt like it?"
"Ah, no. I was being chased by fans."
"And why do you think that it would be okay to come into here?"
"Umm...I kinda thought you would be okay with it..."
"Who would want someone, celebrities like you included to break into their house?! I mean, it's not like you get a free pass with your fame. Oh, wait yeah, you actually do. In other places, everyone else might suck up to you, and worship the ground you're on, but not here. Let me get this straight, I am not a fan, never have been and never will be, and right now, I want you to get out of this house. I never want to see you again, and if I do, I'm not hesitating to throw a brick at you."
After I finished my little rant, Alex was staring back gobsmacked. All he said was "oh."
"Now get the heck out."