Chapter 13

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“Yah! CHANYEOL YOU GIANT! THIS IS YOUR ENTIRE FAULT!” Kyungsoo shouted while running.

“I ALREADY SAID I’M SORRY, OK?!” Chanyeol growled back before kicking one of the guards who instantly fall down the stairs making the others fall down too. “AND IT’S NOT MY FAULT THAT THAT GUY IS WEARING HELLO KITTY UNDERWEAR!” he continued before they left turn to the hallway near the entertainment area.

                After Sehun and Kai successfully arrived in control room, the other members followed with a smooth sneak out. The remaining members which is Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Suho and Kris , the older ones decided to go last so that whatever happens they could help right away.

                Chanyeol and Kyungsoo hid in one of the big cabinets near the living room as soon as they saw guards approaching them. Chanyeol squatted down while Kyungsoo stays standing while holding his stun gun waiting for Chanyeols signal. His sweating bullets; so does Chanyeol, Kyungsoo’s looking down at the tall guys’ hand waitnig for a signal but his nervousness changed into curiosity when the Chanyeol covered his mouth. He lightly kicks his butt making Chanyeol looked up. Before Kyungsoo can react the guards already saw them. Chanyeol stood up fast then kick one of the guards scotch making the guard bent down, he took advantage to it. He took out his stun gun and pokes it on the guards neck making him fell on the ground unconscious; while on the other hand, Kyungsoo is still having a one on one fight on the other one. Chanyeol saw him having a hard time so he decided to help by poking the guards’ neck making him fell unconscious just like the other one. Kyungsoo just stared at him with an annoyed look but Chanyeol just shrugged it and says “You’re Welcome buddy.” Which he received a light punch in the arm; before Chanyeol’s about to argue with the short one they heard running towards them which makes them nervous and started running too.

                Suho and Kris on the other hand heard what’s happening to Chanyeol and Kyungsoo outside which made them a little annoyed because of Chanyeol but then became worried when things became more serious.

                “Tsk! That giant! Come one Kris, let’s help them!” Suho was about to turn the knob but Kris stopped him when he talks.

                “No.” Which make Suho stop on his feet still holding the knob eyes filled which confusion giving Kris a face which made the Galaxy guy continue on what he’s saying “I said no. Not until we plan on something first. We don’t know how much attention those stupid made, but I’m sure we must plan first so that whatever happens, if one of us or rather four of us got caught, at least we can find an easy escape.” Suho  nodded and went back to where they sat.

                Before they could finish their plan they turned on their lapel mics and put back their earplugs. They heard Kyungsoo’s complaining, stamping, broken things and worried voices coming from the other members who's in control room.


“NO! STOP! WE SHOULD THINK FIRST BEFORE WE ACT! THEY MIGHT CAUGHT US HIDING HERE IN CONTROL ROOM IF WE GET OUT NOW!” that was Xiumin shouting at Sehun who probably worried about the Chanyeol and Kyungsoo and wanted to help them.

"What's happening?" Kris spoke up.

"Where were you guys? We thought something happened to you too because we're calling you but you're not answering!" Chen worriedly ask

"Sorry. We're ploting on something before we go out and help Chanyeol and Kyungsoo." Suho answered "And Sehun-ah, Xiumin hyung is right, you can't go out there. They might caught all of us."

The boys are still arguing on the other side. They can't just stand in the safe zone while Chanyeol and Kyungsoo are fighting outside and Kris and Suho aren't out yet. While they were arguing, Xiumin remembered what Kris said ealier. 

"Wait! Kris-ah, you said you were plotting on something, right?"

"Yes" he confidently answered him.

"What are you two planning?" Luhan asked

The two looked at each other with a sly grin on their faces.


Short Update. So sorry guys, I'm too busy this past months. :( 

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