i. run

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the sirens are deafening. he looks over only to realise that the annoying, blaring sound comes from the several police cars coming his way. he's waiting for his customer to wire in the $2,000,000 to his account before completing his job. "just one click, floyd. i'm running out of time here." he whispers encouragingly. unfortunately for floyd, he really is out of time. "guk, we have to go. now." seokjin reminds him. "alright, i'll be right behind you." jeongguk lies. when seokjin turns his back, jeongguk slips a letter he'd written in seokjin's pocket, in case they weren't going to be able to be together anymore. jeongguk figured it was going to happen at some point, but this time, he knew for sure they weren't going to be able to be together for a very long time. snapping out of his daze, he tugs on seokjin's wrist, giving him one last fond look, one last passionate kiss that would last forever. jeongguk supposes. "let's go." those were seokjin's last words to jeongguk, before he lets go of seokjin's wrist and lets himself be found out by the cops. he knew that this time, he couldn't run even if he wanted to. if he leaves with seokjin, it's over. they're going to have to constantly be on the run from the cops. and jeongguk doesn't want that for seokjin, the love of his life. he doesn't think seokjin deserves to live the rest of his life running from the cops with jeongguk, a mere killing machine. it's only until seokjin reaches their car that he realises that jeongguk is nowhere to be seen. once his eyes lay on the familiar figure being dragged into the police car, the realisation dawns on him. jeongguk had left him alone. "jeon jeongguk, you stupid fucking asshole."

sorry for this extremely short chapter. but! it's kinda part of the plot so hehe i promise i'll update again today

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