
38 2 4

Tokyo, Japan

A few months ago...

River inhaled in sharply as they hid from the runner they were forced to run from.

They listened to the runner's jagged breathing as it walks away, but they were much more smarter than that.

River waited for a solid minute before getting up and going back to their home. They had gone out to get supplies and had gotten enough of it for a week,as they had estimated.

They ventured in the lonesome streets and eerie sounds of the monsters roaming around. River checked in some houses for extra supplies because hey, better safe than sorry.

After a while, the teen had went into the alleyway they were all too familiar with. River knocked on their door the pattern they had came up with and they were greeted with Yuri, who nodded at her as a gesture to hurry in. Yuri wandered back to whatever he was doing in the kitchen.

"I'm home" The said girl shouted out tiredly as they put the bag of supplies down carefully.

"Hey"Jerwin greeted as he sharpened his knife in the small living room.

"So what's new?" Noe asked as she watched the knife sharpen. "Runners" The girl sighed. "Those fast ones? What the hell?" Yuri ran a hand through his hair as he went to make food. "Yeah" River stressed.

"Riveeerrrr~" Zion sang as the six year old ran up to hug his hero. "Nice to see you too" River chuckled as they ruffled their brother's hair.

Let me explain. River and Zion are siblings- River being 17 and Zion, like I said, is 6. Jerwin is 17 too, an orphan due to his family's murder, way before this apocalypse.

Yuri and Noe went here to Japan for a vacation, both going as lone survivors since the others were either brutally killed or eaten alive by the same monsters that killed almost everyone. Yuri and Noe are both from Russia, both also 18.

The cause of this whole thing, you ask? Well it's because the scientists found a cure for a sickness I can't even pronounce.

The side effects were one of craziness and immense changes in, well, everything. They experimented on a patient that had this sickness and the side effects were unfortunately stronger than that of the cure.

And this is the thing, a lot of scientists got infected from this due to the patient breaking the glass that protects the scientists from the patient and it had either bitten or eaten them.

The infected ones then ran around until it reached outside. You know the rest. Let's get back to the story.

They had their usual evening, that is until...


River shushed everyone and listened carefully. The banging continues for two solid minutes until the knocking turned into the pattern. River sighed in relief and opened the door carefully.

"You ding dong" River whispered harshly as they dragged whoever it was, who is unfortunately Katsui, by the ear.

I forgot to mention, Katsui was actually a stranger they befriended before the apocalypse, from the arcade. A funny story if they weren't in the apocalypse right now.

"What were you knucklehead thinking?!" River continued to whisper harshly as they let go of the said boy's ear.

Katsui chuckled nervously and rubbed the nape of his neck, "I found supplies and survivors, but they were barely alive. Here-" He gave River a bag full of food and gun ammo of different kinds. "They told me to take it, it wasn't of any use anymore anyway, they said" He continued.

River looked through the supplies carefully before nodding, "Okay. But next time, would you please not scare us like that? You know Zion and his..." River sighed, muttering the last part so only the two can hear. Katsui nodded, understanding their situation, and apologised.

They resumed their daily routine, each in their own little worlds and then went to bed. They slept in the small room that had 11 mattresses linked together. 5 to be exact, would be at the farthest and fitted the room. The other 6 nearer to the doorway. Very much normal in the Japanese neighborhood, though usually it wouldn't be so cramped.

"Are you sure everything is locked?" Jerwin asked as River checked the doors. They went back and nodded before going to the farthest right corner of the room where the two siblings' makeshift bed is. They shared it to accompany the traumatized child.

"Let's sleep now, yeah? Tomorrow is another day" River said soothingly as they rubbed circles on their brother's back, as they were laying on their side. River pecked Zion's forehead before sleeping.

Tomorrow's another day

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