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"Let's sleep now, yeah? Tomorrow is another day" River said soothingly as they rubbed circles on their brother's back, laying down on their side. River pecked Zion's forehead before sleeping.

Tomorrow's another day

A few years ago...

River smiled cheerfully as she held her baby brother close to her, "He's so handsome!" River praised as she sat down next to her weakened mother, her father standing proudly at the other side.

"What will we name him?" River asked as her parents look at each other for a while,

"Hmmm.... what about... Kai the second?" Their father, Kai, joked, making everyone laugh. "Hmmm... how about... Zion?" River suggested,

"That sounds wonderful" their mother, Juliet, said happily as River handed Zion back to her mother.

*time skip*

Zion was now 3 years old. River stood proudly as Zion waddled towards her,

"You did it! Yay~" River cooed as she picked her baby brother up and swung him around, making Zion giggle, and her parents laugh, "Be careful, River!" Her father scolded playfully as River giggled, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" She said as she put Zion down.

Zion then waddled over to their parents, as River smiled and walked alongside her brother.

*time skip*

Zion was now 5 years old, upon the stage as he got his medal for being his class's 1st place honor student for the first time.

River and her parents cheered as they walked up to the stage. They took a picture and walked to the car, going home.

"I want ice cream!" Zion pleaded as his family laughed, "Okay, but after we eat lunch, yeah?" Their mother said, making everyone cheer

*time skip*

Zion's birthday party started after everyone came in the venue. He had a blast as the party raged on.

His friends- almost everyone in his class- was happily doing the activities we set up for them to get prizes- like a mini carnival.

And then...that's when it happened.

A shout rippled through the very much calmed and happy air as everyone stopped what they were doing. Then suddenly, a man with blood stained clothes and pure white eyes punched it's way into our backyard through the fences. He– no, it was a sickly greyish color with red splattered all over it's body.

The action made the kids panic. They then started screaming and running around. RIver held Zion in her arms quickly as their father shouted, "GET INTO THE BASEMENT!"


that was the last thing he said before getting attacked by a guest that had been infected. Zion screamed, making River's hand fly up to his mouth immediately. They turned around and to their horror, watched as their mom mouths her last words to her precious children before getting murdered next.

That's when River came back to her senses. She made up her mind and ran for the basement, carrying Zion with her. She got down successfully and locked the trap door. River held her brother close as Zion wailed and cried into her chest.

River couldn't help but join in her baby brother's cries as she recalls vividly what had just happened to their parents. But what made her cry more, was the last thing their mother had said;

"I love you, my babies"

The siblings spent the night in that basement as they cried themselves to sleep. It was the most horrible thing that happened to them. When Zion had slept peacefully in River's arms, the said girl tucked her brother to sleep in one of the four sleeping bags in that room.

Zion shifted as River laid beside him. the girl carefully and softly sung a lullaby to him, knowing how vulnerable her brother is at the moment. River continued so until she herself sung a song that hit close to the siblings' heart.

Let's only walk on flower trails,
I can't say that
Let's only see good things,
I can't say that either
Saying that there will only be good things from now on
Saying that you won't get hurt
I can't say that
I can't lie like that

It's okay come on when I say one two three forget it
Erase all sad memories hold my hand and smile

It's okay come on when I say one two three forget it
Erase all sad memories
Smile holding onto each other's hands

Hoping for more good days
If you believe what I say then one two three
If you believe then one two three

Hoping for more good days
If you believe me then one two three
If you believe then one two three
Hoping that everything will change when we say,

One two three
For a better day
Because we are together


River had slipped out a few tears as they quietly went to sleep, singing to their brother that same song to try sleep like nothing had ever happened.

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