Chapter 28

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"Red or black?" I mumbled to myself as I looked at the two dresses I had laid out on the bed. "I think-"

"Zee?!" Lamar yelled from the living room. "Are you almost ready?!"

"Um yeah, gimme five minutes."

I slipped on the black dress and a pair of heels before grabbing my clutch and walking out the room.

"Finally." Lamar shook his head. "It took you forever."

"Sorry, we aren't late right?"

"No but we need to get going. Charlie is already down stairs."

Charlie came and picked Lamar, Hyghly, Cash and I and took us to the venue where the show was going to be.

"These are for you guys." He said as he handed us all passes. "Don't take these off while you're here or you'll get thrown out. Got it?"

We all answered him. "Yup."

We followed him into the venue and the place was set up like an award show. The stage was in the very front of the room, in front of it were some seats and behind the seats were tables.

"So we just finished rehearsals and the show's gonna start in about an hour. Feel free to get some drinks while you...actually never mind, you guys aren't old enough to drink."

Hyghly laughed. "That's never stopped us before."

"Well don't drink here 'cause right now I'm legally responsible for you all but feel free to get some food and find your way to your seats."

"Does it matter where we sit?"

"I marked your seats with an XO so you'll know where to sit."

"Okay, thanks."

We all went and got some food then found our seats that had an XO sign on them.

The guys started to talk amongst themselves while I played on my phone.

I was about to text Melody when I got a Instagram notification.

King_Jay: Wya?

Kenzeexo: Leave me alone Jeremiah.

King_Jay: I just wanna talk to you. You home?

Kenzeexo: No and if I was, I still wouldn't talk to you. Just leave me alone.

King_Jay: Please Zee, I wanna apologize. I'm really sorry.

Kenzeexo: Fuck you.

After I sent the message, I tapped on his profile and blocked him. I didn't wanna see, talk to, or even think about him but I knew he was going to keep trying. I was going to have to tell Abel soon, or maybe those detectives that arrested him in the first place. Either way something was going to have to be done.

Lamar waved his hand infromt my face.



"We were talking to you but you were completely zoned out."

"Ooh, sorry. What'd you say?"

"We were talking about summer and I asked if you knew what you're doing after graduation."

"I'm definitely going to college. I'm just not sure where yet."

"Where'd you apply?"

"Everywhere. York, Howard, Spelman, FSU, Texas A&M, UCLA. There's a few more but I forgot. I already got some acceptance letters back but I just haven't chosen one yet."

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