Chapter 1

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"Bollocks" I hissed to myself, anxiously trying to find my train ticket.

If the Metropolitan police came after me one more time, my parents would undoubtedly disown me. It sounds bad but the only reason I really cared was because I'd be cut out of the will, and therefore lose my fantastic inheritance. The truth is, even though I loved my parents, they had never been particularly parental towards me. I had grown up normally enough (well, normal by the standards of the British upperclass), but by ten years old I had been shipped off to boarding school where I stayed until I was expelled at age seventeen. I had been provided with everything I required in terms of material goods, but severely lacked any kind of love and support from the parental unit. This had obviously caused issues for my emotions, or lack thereof. I had been numb for about five years, and wasn't planning on going in any other direction. Yeah yeah, I was a spoiled little shit, I had too much money and not enough values, and my parents couldn't care less. I fit perfectly into the stereotype of rich girl deprived of love, but what're you gonna do, sue me? 

Anyway, I'm Valeria, Val for short. Currently, I'm on a train traveling to the middle of buttfuck nowhere (Scotland, to be precise). 

Let me explain. 

After my expulsion at the tender age of seventeen, the 'rents were understandably livid. Therefore I was now being shipped off to Edinburgh where I would finish my last year of schooling in a shitty apartment working a shitty job. My parents thought such measures were necessary in order for me to, and I quote 'have a taste of real life'. Like it was my fault that I had been brought up with a silver spoon in my mouth and someone wiping my arse for me.  If they were going to punish me for something I couldn't control, why bring me up that way in the first place? 

Anyhow, I was surprisingly excited to start living somewhere different where no one knew who I was. Here's another fun fact, I grew up with an older brother and sister, twins to be exact, 5 years older than me, who turned out to be what every parent wished for and every younger sibling absolutely despised. My brother was currently working as a corporate lawyer in New York, married to an uptight owner of an art gallery with bleached blonde hair and perfectly manicured nails. My sister was primed and ready to take over our family business, the heir to the a confectionery empire you might've heard of; "Quality Street". They may as well have been cast on Made In Chelsea and been done with the money-making by the tender age of 22, but more power to them for at least trying to look like they could earn their own money.   

While I, on the other hand, wasn't stupid from any angle, my life's mission was to do as much as possible to disappoint my parents. In fact I had been top of my class at my boarding school, the only reason it took them seven years to expel me. I just didn't want to sell my soul to make money like my family had, and I certainly did not want to end up like my siblings or parents. With such over-achievers as family, I had to balance it out, so naturally, I sat around on my sweet arse and did nothing all day. 

At this point though, I was a few years past caring. I was content with the way that I was, and personally believed it was a parent's duty to love their child no matter how they turned out. Either way, they obviously didn't think the same. So here I am, in a train on the way to Edinburgh, hoping that I'll find something worthwhile in this place. 

"Have you got your ticket love?" I was asked, snapping out of my internal monologue. Finally, I found the crumpled ticket in the depths of my handbag, under layers of gum, electronics, keys and a packet of cigarettes. Handing it to the ticket collector, I leant back, closing my eyes and waiting to get to Manchester. Oh what a ride this would be. 

Sooo guys I keep writing new stories, but this one for some reason just came to me and started flowing. I know there are loads of stories about "bad boys" out here on wattpad, and they're all excellent, but I just hope you'll give mine a chance. I very rarely see a story like this where both characters are considered "bad" and just wanted to try it out. Good girls aren't the only type of girl out there! 

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