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Two weeks at Tony's beach house, tucked away from prying eyes. Tony gave them the keys, paid for their rental cars and told them that he'd find a way to have their access denied from the facility if they tried coming home even a day early. He probably would've had their lines turned off, somehow, if it weren't important to be able to reach them in case of emergency. They know that's his way of saying that he's worried about them, and everyone had insisted that they take the offer. She knows they all worry, and honestly? They don'tneed the time off, exactly, but they're not about to refuse it, either. Maria can handle things for two weeks, and she'll have Nick there. Things will be fine.

Sam and Sharon are there, too, because things have been just as crazy for them, and Natasha doesn't mind. Of course she'd like some time alone with Steve, but it's a big house - it's a big property, a good drive away from the closest town, and that's just far enough to truly feel alone. The four of them don't have to spend all of their time together, but it's nice to get to hang out with Sam and Sharon, too. She and Sharon took a walk along the beach when Sam and Steve went to get groceries, and then she and Sam walked around an outlet mall while Steve and Sharon took surfing lessons.

It's pretty great here.

They don't have any plans in mind for today, and she thinks that since they've gone out for one reason or another since arriving, this will be their day to stay inside the house and not do anything.

Natasha doesn't mind. She's sitting on the couch with her feet tucked up underneath her, book propped open on the pillow in her lap, and that's how Steve finds her when he walks in. She glances up, giving him a smile, and he leans over the back of the couch to press a kiss to her lips, humming softly.

"Where'd Sam and Sharon go?"

Natasha's lips tug at the corners a bit. "I heard their shower go off when I went upstairs to grab my book," she tells him, and Steve breathes out a chuckle as he shakes his head. Honestly, one of the best things about being around Sam and Sharon is that this thing between them is still pretty new, and it's pretty great to see them so happy. That doesn't mean they need to hear it, though.

"It's amazing those two can ever keep their hands to themselves," Steve says as he walks around the couch, sinking into the cushions beside her. There's that sparkle in his eyes and she finds herself closing her book, not bothering to save the page as she sets it aside. "They always make shower sex sound so appealing, but honestly it seems quite dangerous."

She arches an eyebrow. "Sounds to me like you want to try it."

He hums, reaches for her and pulls her across his lap, her legs straddling his hips. He tucks his hand into her hair, thumb smoothing over her scalp in that way that always, always drives her crazy. "Our water bill would be ridiculous," he tells her, and she's laughing as she slants her lips over his. All she really wants to do right now is kiss him, so she does, and he's pretty content to let her do it.

She doesn't really think much about their conversation until later, when she's peeling out of her bathing suit and stepping into the shower. She stands under the water and closes her eyes, but she hears him, of course, so the little yelp she lets out when he's stepping in behind her is less out of surprise and more out of anticipation. She breathes out a laugh, leaning into his bared chest, and he presses a kiss to the curve of her neck. The heat from the water and the heat from him is a little too much, but she loves it, and his fingertips send tingles over her skin as he flattens a hand over her stomach.

"Okay, so maybe I did want to try it," he admits, pressing her to him. She tips her head back and he groans low in his chest.

"Not our water bill," she reminds, and then parts her lips in a moan as he shifts his hips, grazing her folds.

"Then I'll be sure to take my time."

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