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"I'm just saying that you should come with me, I been telling them you'll come and you never do" Miya huffed

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"I'm just saying that you should come with me, I been telling them you'll come and you never do" Miya huffed.

I nodded my head and continued to put my vans on.

"I'm not going today though, I have to go meet up with my mom" I admitted.

She rolled her eyes "how do you still like her?, She gave you up."

"It wasn't her fault" I reminded her.

She rolled her eyes and mumbled a "yeah whatever."

It really wasn't my mother's fault, my grandfather wouldn't let her keep me because she had a baby before marriage and it was by a white man which is what he doesn't want, I've never met my grandfather and I'm still barely able to see my mom, she tells me he's mean and still hates her and me because of my father.

My phone dinged letting me know it was time for me to go meet my mom at the hill.

"I have to go, see you later" I told her putting my money and phone into my pockets.

She nodded and followed my behind downstairs, probably looking the door behind me. I just sighed and put my headphones in automatically hearing "Let Me Bleed" by Lil Peep.

(A/N pretend Lil Peep was already big then.)

I walked fastly to the hill, finally getting there and embracing my thin mother into a hug before taking my head phones out and wrapped them around phone before putting my phone in my pocket.

"Hello my daughter" she smiled at me.

"How's everything going at your aunt's?" She asked, leading us down the hill.

"Same thing" I signed in response.

"When are you taking me to met my grandfather?" I asked.

She shook her head "I can't take you to see your grandfather if you are that size, Korean woman aren't supposed to have that fat."

She's been telling me this for awhile, leaving me insecure about the weight of my thighs and butt.

I didn't want to cry in front of her so I just turned my head and nodded "it's fine, I understand."




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