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(6 months later)

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(6 months later)

Jahseh watched as Lucy wobbled into the kitchen to get something to eat.

She hadn't been talking to him and she'd been sleeping in the guest room, trapping herself in there and only coming out for food or to go to the bathroom.

It put fear in Jahseh's heart and questionable things in his mind.

Was she cheating? Was she tired of him?

He didn't know.

"Lucy" he called out and he could tell it caught her attention by her eyebrow raising but she continued her wobble upstairs with a bag of chips in hand.

He furrowed his eyebrows confused at what he had done. He followed her upstairs and into the guest room.

"What's wrong?" He asked her as she laid back on the bed, struggling to see over her belly.

She whimpered and began to cry making him tilt his head at her.

"My birthday is next week Jahseh but look at me, I look like a fucking ballon that's been blown up too much and I'm not even 17 yet" she told him as tears streamed down her face.

The bigger she got the more she realized how much her life would change once she had this baby, the baby she didn't want.

She sighed and tried to sit herself up but it took sometime making her out of breath once she had done it and aggravated.

"I don't want this damn demon you keep it!" She yelled out of frustration at Jahseh making him furrow his eyebrows at her and blink a couple times.

"Don't call her a demon" he told her.

"Lucy I think you need to just calm down-" she cut him off before he could say anything else.

"Shut up! You don't know what is like to be like this Jahseh! My feet are always swollen and everything makes me cry and it doesn't matter how much I eat I'm never full! I just want to go back to how I used to be!" She yelled and he shook his head at her.

"I'm not saying I do but it's too late now Lucy" he told her and she made a 'duh' face at him.

"Don't you think I know that Jahseh? I'm due in almost 2 months" she cried more.

She wasn't ready to be a mother, no matter how much she went to that class or her nurse taught her on her visits.

"Just leave me alone. Go mess with Miya or something" she continued which caused him more confusion.

"Why would I do that?" He asked her.

"Because she's not pregnant and you two used to be close and she likes you so why not?" Lucy sighed.

"You think that I will cheat on you?" He asked her and she nodded.

"I know you will Jahseh, you're a man whore" she told him making him chuckle and shake his head at her.

"Damn Lucy I thought we knew each other better than that" he chuckled.

She looked up at him and tilted her head "so did I until I seen y'all messages."

"Looks like you and Miya were planning a good time" she finished off.

That was the real reason she'd been in here because she couldn't yell at Jahseh and get kicked out, she had no where to go, so she stayed in here.

But now he'd came in her and bothered her making her point out the messages she had seen in his phone.



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