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When we got to the class I was right and we were the only teenage couple there and the other couple was 20 and then there were a lot of older couples.

"Hello I'm Trina and I will be teaching you about your pregnancy, child birth, and raising your child or children" she spoke to the close while I sat there, my heart beating.

"Now if you are here and you are under 18 I need you to let me know because you will need to learn a couple different things because of your age, things with your baby will be a bit more difficult for you" she spoke but I didn't say anything.

I was literally the only one under 18 because Jahseh is 18 but I still got 3 months and a year before I am.

My cheeks turned red as she looked around the room and then at me, she smiled and nodded but didn't say anything and began with the class.

"You okay?" Jahseh whispered to me as he held me beside him by my waist.

I nodded "I'm just a little uncomfortable" I told him and he nodded.

"Lucy and Jahseh" the women spoke making us look up.

"Do you guys need help from the government?" She asked and Jahseh shook his head no, scrunching up his face.

She nodded "what about you Tommy and Lauran?"and the shook their head.

It seemed as if she was going down the list of people so Jahseh brushed it off and sat back in his seat.

Lucy turned to him and giggled a little realizing his reaction.

"It's okay baby" I told him as I rubbed his leg and he laughed.

"I was so worried about you getting mad and shit now look at me" he chuckled.

"Alright I need you all to gather into a circle" she told us and we all shifted our chairs into a circle.

"Now I need everyone to tell their name, their age, and which child they are here to prepare for" she told us.

A woman stood first and her baby bump was a lot bigger than mine so I guess she was already in this class. I heard they start this shit over every 3 months when more couples are added.

When it got to us Jahseh stood up first.

"I'm Jahseh Onfroy and I'm 18 and this is my first baby" he spoke and when he sat down my heart raced because I seen how people looked when he said his age.

I slowly stood "um I'm Lucy Miller and I'm 16 and this is my first baby."



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