3. The Blackbournes

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"That's the last of your bags. Need anything else?" the cab driver asked knocking Kiara out of her flurried thoughts.

"Um.. no. Thanks," she said scouring her book bag for her wallet. She pulled out a couple of bills and handed it to him. He nodded to her and hopped back in his cab.

She watched him drive off and scanned her surroundings. She barely remembered what their house let alone their neighborhood looked like that night that Elijah dropped her off since it was so dark and she was still out of it.

The weather was a bit misty despite how sunny it had been the whole day.

"So they live by the woods... and a lake... this is definitely a white neighborhood. The houses are so big there's only 3 on this block!" she said bewildered. New England was typically known for being very WASP, but this area was particularly... WASPY.

She pulled out her phone to check the address again when she felt the tickle of a wispy breath on her neck.

She spun around to look behind her but saw no one. Just the trees and an open road. She continued walking forward down the pathway and felt an oppressive air settle around her. Feeling uneasy, she quickened her pace until she reached the manor.

 Feeling uneasy, she quickened her pace until she reached the manor

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It was huge with an old Victorian style. She looked up hesitantly at the foreboding mansion in front of her.

She started her long ascent up the stairs, huffing as she finally reached the top. The large doors towered over her. She searched out a doorbell but couldn't find one.


As she went to knock the door opened before her knuckle could make contact with the old wood.

"Ms. LaFleur." Elijah greeted her with a bright warm smile. He still looked just as handsome and enigmatic as before. "It's a pleasure to see you again so soon."

He opened the door wider allowing her to walk in.

"Hi Elijah," she said nervously as she stepped into the massive foyer. "Trust me, I'm just as surprised as you are."

She heard him chuckle slightly as he looked at her as if he already knew something she didn't.

Her eyes widened as she took in the impressive mass of the place she stood in. It looked even bigger than she remembered. The Victorian style staid consistent as grand chandeliers hung from the ceiling and a large staircase led up the stairs to the second floor balcony. The large living room to her left had the velvet couch she remembered from the night of the attack, and a grandiose hallway to her right that led to the dining room and kitchen.

"Your place is even more incredible than I last remembered," she said with her mouth slightly open.

"Thank you," she heard him say behind her. "Are these all your things?"

She turned around to see him effortlessly carrying all of her heavy bags in one arm as if they weighed nothing.

"Uh.. yes! Please be careful! I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself!"

Family Ties - (Book 3 of M3 Saga) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now