Status: Powering Up

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RK900 Model #313 248 317 - 87 Status report: Powering up.

Program activation required: request processing...

Request accepted.

"Open your eyes, RK900."

My first look at the world wasn't pleasant, but I never thought much of it. I woke up in a white room, and I do a survey of my systems, all of which are running perfectly fine. I blink, and the android tester hands me a coat and some clothes. "Put these on."

After putting the clothes on, the android tester leads me to a room with a person in it. "RK900, this is Captain Fowler, from the Detroit Police Department. He will take you to your partner." I nod, looking over the man.

After a short ride in a taxi, the human and I reach the station. I get out of the car and look over the building. It has decent structure, but it needs repairs in some places. "Come on android," Fowler says, "let's get a move on."

Upon entering the station, I look at some of the people that work as officers. One specific human catches my eye. I scan him.

Detective Gavin Reed. Born October 7th, 2002. 5'9" tall.

I lock eyes with him for a moment, and see him hesitate, but I keep walking. Fowler brings me to his office, and as he stands in the doorway, he yells, "Reed! Get your ass over here!" I see the detective flinch, and he grumbles things under his breath as he walks to Fowler's office. The captain sits at his desk as Gavin walks in, closing the door behind him. 

"Detective Reed, this is your new partner." Fowler says calmly. Gavin tenses, and says, "I'm not working with a fucking plastic prick." Fowler looks at Gavin, looking calm, but his eyes reveal his frustration, and he says, "Yes you are, Gavin. And you're gonna have to deal with that, unless you want to hand in your badge right here, right now." Gavin glares at me, and says, "Look tin can, you listen to me, alright?" I just blink and look at him.

"Oh, CyberLife wants you to give him a name." Fowler says, looking at some papers. Gavin takes a deep breath, and says, "They want me to give this tin can a name?" Fowler pauses, looking over at Gavin, and says, "What part of 'CyberLife wants you to give him a name' did you not understand?"

Gavin grumbles under his breath, "Oh for fuck's sake..." He looks at me and sighs, looking me over. He glances at my model number and says, "... Nines."

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