Chapter 6: Time to Go Home

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Andy's POV:

Once we're out of the plane and Nikki is handled, we call Thornton over Riley's computer. "So Nikki's alive, Benjamin Chen is in the wind, and we don't know when or where he's gonna unleash this virus." Thornton snaps. "I know it looks bad-" Jack tries, but she cuts him off.

"Bad?! Jack, bad is when you accidentally run over your neighbor's dog. This is a damn catastrophe or biblical proportions!" She yells. "It's here, the target's San Francisco." Mac suddenly says. He turns on his heel and storms over to Nikki. 

"Chen's planning on releasing the virus here, isn't he?" He asks her. "You're wrong. It's Tokyo." She lies. "Oh, you're lying. Eliza A. Pittsinger. I saw it on Kendrick's phone, but I didn't realize it until now." I start to catch on. 

"Pittsinger wrong a poem in 1907 on the anniversary of the San Francisco earthquake. Over 3,000 people died in the fires." I explain. "Sometimes a purge is necessary to fix what's broken." Nikki says. "Don't pretend this was about ideology. You did this for a payday." He tells her. 

"Mac, did you ever ask yourself why our government wants that weapon? What are they planning on doing with it" "We're running out of time Mac." Jack calls. "Even if you find it, the people I work for will stop at nothing to get it back." 

"We'll see about that won't we." I say in a condescending manner. "No more games. Where's Chen?" Mac asks. "You should leave." "Well, that's not gonna happen. I'm not going anywhere and neither are you. So, Chen will release the virus here, then we'll both die." Mac smirks. 

Nikki's face is finally worried. "So what's it gonna be?" That broke her. She finally gave us all the information she had about Chen. Thornton got us a helicopter and we took off to find the car Nikki told us about. "There it is!" Mac calls from beside me. 

"The truck Nikki said Chen was driving!" "Yeah, I got him!" Jack calls back. He hovers over it. Mac starts to climb out. "Hey, you sure you don't want me down there with you?" I ask, worried. He smiles back at me. "I'm sure." With that he jumps onto the top of the truck and climb inside. 

After a few seconds, we hear from him. "Uh, guys, we got a problem." "What kind of problem?" I ask. "The kind you don't want to be anywhere near. Chen's using an I.E.D. to send the virus airborne. It'll kill millions." "Well, can you stop it?" Jack asks. 

"I don't know. You should probably get out of here though." That's it. "Ah, you know I'm not gonna do that. If you go kaboom, I go kaboom." Jack tells him as I climb over to the open door and leap out, landing right near the hole Mac made. 

Crawling over, I slide inside, landing in a crouch. "Andy what the hell?!" I smirk at him, walking over. "We're in this together Mac, like we've always been. Now, what are we gonna do?" I ask, not leaving room for argument. He smiles at me before turning back to the virus. 

"This is what the army trains you for. You can do this in your sleep." Jack tries. "Yeah, ok, I can do without the pep talk." He says as he gets his Swiss Army knife out and starts to go to work on the bomb. He opens the panel finally. "Great." "That doesn't sound very encouraging." Jack says. 

"Yeah, well, yo know how you always have to pick between cutting the blue wire and the red wire?" "Yeah." "Well, I've got about 12 wires down here and they're all green." "Well, you better pick on quick. Any, someone's coming down the chimney and it ain't Santa Clause." He warns. 

I take out my gun, watching Mac's back. "You get that handled, I'll deal with this guy." "Andy-" "Shhhh, less talking, more thinking Einstein." With that a large man drops down into the truck. Instantly my gun is out of my hadn't and he sends a hard punch to my face. 

I don't let it affect me too much though as I wrap my arms around one leg and bring him down to the ground with me. I swing a leg up and kick him in the face, spinning until I'm on my knees. I go to reach for my gun, but he grabs my leg and pulls me under him, punching me several times. 

I finally knee him in the dick before punching him. Finally, we're both back on our feet and I send several good punches to his face before he gets a hold of my neck, choking me. "Hey Andy!" Jack calls. "Little...busy." I grunt out, trying to catch my breath. "Catch." 

Suddenly there's a thud next to me and I know it's a gun. Grabbing it, I shoot the man in the knee and then the shoulder. Once he's rolling on the ground in pain I bring the fun down hard on his head, knocking him out and kicking him out of the truck. Even though I use guns, I don't kill. 

They could be useful, not matter how horrible they are. Besides it's not for me to carry out that sentence. "Andy?! You ok?!" Mac calls. I sigh, nodding even though he's not looking at me. "Peachy." I groan, slouching next to him. 

I grab my gun and hold mine and Jack's guns ready for any more guests. "Mac, talk to me." Jack calls. "Stopping the bomb is out of the question." He says. "Then get the virus and get out of there, both of you." He calls to us. Mac leverages the virus out of the bomb. "MAC?! ANDY?!" 

"I got it. "Good! Now jump." "I can't risk shattering the container and releasing the virus. Andy, you jump, get out of here." I roll my eyes. "Not happening. We're getting out of this together Angus." He groans. "Ok Charlie. Ok." 

He starts cutting the tarp on the truck bed and strapping us together with some wire. Once his homemade parachute gets the right amount of wind, we're lifted up and into the air. I hold tightly to him, the virus in his jacket, pressed between us. 

When we land, I go flying into the grass in the median. Suddenly there's a large explosion behind us and I let out a breath. We did it. I hear the police, paramedics, and CDC arrive behind us, but continue to lay there. Everything hurts. 

I'm still light headed from being strangled and my face is definitely bleeding. "ANDY?! ANDY!" I hear Mac yell. "OVER HERE!" I call back. I hear rapid footsteps as Jack and Mac approach me. They come to a skidding halt next to me. "You ok? Are you hurt?" He asks in a rush. I groan. 

"I'll live." He gives me an unbelieving look. "Honestly, I'm fine, just tired." He nods and the two of them help me us. "God I need a nap." They both lap and together, the three of us limp towards the car Thornton sent for us. Time to go home. 

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