Chapter 9: Are We Interrupting Something?

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Andy's POV:

It's been a few weeks since Korea and I feel as if Mac has been avoiding me. I feel like he's frustrated, not with me, but with himself for letting himself slip up so much that I was having to bite off more than I can chew when it comes to missions. We need to talk. 

I know we do, but I don't know how to even bring up that conversation. recently, Riley and I have been hanging out. It's nice. I feel as though, I finally have a female friend that actually values her time with me. 

Sure, Nikki and I hung out a lot, but never without Mac and usually she would always talk down to me. Like my words weren't worth hearing. I'm realizing this now after the whole thing about her wanting me dead came out. I should have seen the sighs, but I was just too naive to see it.

Currently, I'm driving Riley over to Mac and Bozer's place since she needs help from Bozer with something. Not sure what, but with how obsessed Bozer is with Riley, I'm a little scared to ask. When we get to their house, I just walk in since this place is pretty much always unlocked.

Walking into the living room, my eyes widen and an amused grin crosses my face when I see the boys'...situation. Mac is straddling Bozer on the floor. "Are we interrupting something?" I ask in a teasing voice. Their eyes widen in horror. "Andy! Riley, uh-" They scramble to get to their feet. 

Riley's face now has a smirk on it. "You said it was ok not to knock. Should we come back later?" Riley asks. "Nah, it's cool. I was just showing my boy a few jiu-jitsu moves." Riley and I exchange amused looks. "Bozer, Mac was on top." I remind him, crossing my arms. 

"We were taking turns throwing down." "Hmm, right." "Ok, well, I've got to get out of this costume. 100% wool, 100% not breathable." He walks up to Riley. "I'll be in my plush master suite if anyone needs me." Before he can walk away, she grabs his arm. "Actually, I do need you." 

She grins before pulling him out of the room. "What is that all about?" Mac asks, walking over to stand next to me. I shrug. "Hey, I don't ask questions. I'm just the driver." There's a bit of awkward silence before he brings up the topic I was hoping to avoid for awhile...or indefinitely. 

"What Jack said...about you pulling my weight in the team too." I look down and start fidgeting with my hands. "Why didn't you say anything to me?" I sigh. "Because I know you Mac." Looking up, his eyebrows are furrowed now. "What does that mean?" 

"It means that I know better than anyone what you're feeling and what's running through your head. Everyone knows the reason why you're a bit out of it, but no one truly understands that you need time to snap out of it. I was giving you that time." I explain. 

He sighs, running his hand through his hair. "Look, if it had gone on too long, I would have said something." "Yeah, but Andy you should have said something anyway." I just shrug. "If I promise to let you know when you're too far in your head, will you promise to talk to me about it?"

He's been shutting me out and I don't like that. We're Andy and Mac. He doesn't get to shut me out. He sighs, smiling down at me. "Fine. I promise to talk to you about it. Now, there's something I need to do. Feel free to-" 

As he goes to offer for me to stay, the front door slams and I see both Bozer and Riley heading to his car. "Nevermind I guess. Still, if you want to stay-" "Mac, I'm good. I've got a few things I need to do at home. I'll stop by later? I can make dinner for you and Bozer." I offer with a smile. 

He grins back. "You know I will never turn down anything you cook Charlie." He tells me, placing a kiss on the top of my head before grabbing his jacket and heading out of the house. I sigh. Once the door closes, I grab my phone. Pressing the call button, I put it up to my ear and wait. 

"What's good Andy? What can I do you for?" I smile at Jack's tone. "He's headed back to Nikki's place." He sighs. "I'll head over there. Thanks for the heads up." "No problem. And Jack...make sure he's ok." "Of course. You take care of yourself Andy." "I will, bye Jack." 

With that I hang up. I stare at the phone in my hand. I just wish he'd let me in. Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I exit the house and climb into my car. I drive home, listening to Taylor Swift as I contemplate how to help my best friend thought this rough time. 

I feel as though I'm not doing enough, but he's not letting me. I can't think of how to help him.

Mac's POV:

Ok, I will admit, brewing into your ex's apartment is never a good look. And, lying to a good friend about being on your A-game when you're clearly distracted by your former girlfriend's betrayal and consumed with the desire to hunt her down, also not great. 

I also feel bad about promising Andy I'd confide in her when all I want to do is figure this out for myself. I've just been having a hard time processing what happened. "We've talked about how unhealthy this is, right?" I whip around to see Jack standing behind me. 

"You do know this place has been searched by everybody and their dog?" I sigh. "Yeah. I just can't..." "Stop coming back. I know." "I've only been here a few times." "A few times? If by 'a few times', you mean everyday since Nikki escaped custody, then...yeah, it's a few times." 

"How-" "Oh please, Andy clocked it when it started. She's the one who told me you were headed over her. She's really worried about you man." He tells me. My heart sinks at the news. Andy knows I'm here? Crap. She's gonna hate me. 

"Look, before you get upset with me, listen, I know how you get when something is-is stuck in that ginormous brain of yours." I'm lost in my thoughts as he talks. I go to touch something when he pushes my hand way. 

"Stop touching that. Look at me. Listen, I'm sorry for what I said to you in North Korea. The who A-game thing. I was out of line. I apologize, ok? But I'm genuinely concerned. And clearly I have good reason to be." I sigh. "I know we missed something." "Ok." 

"Something that's gonna help up find Nikki." "Alright. Finding Nikki's not our job." His phone starts to ding. "Every agency in the world's out there looking for her. Let them find her." I shake my head and turn away as he gets his phone out. 

"Which is good, because, as of right now, I think we just got busy." He tells me, not looking up from his phone. I glance over at him. "Thornton found something. Let's go." I nod and follow after him. "By the way Mac-" He stops me in the hallway before we reach the stairs. 

"You don't have to tell me everything. You're entitled to your secrets and your own thoughts, but don't shut Andy out. She's worried about you, big time. She's been beating herself up over this so with her." Once again my heart sinks. 

It was never my intention to make Andy feel bad about how I'm coping with Nikki's betrayal. She doesn't deserve that. She's been there for me during every part of my life and now I'm pushing her away. "Ok. I'll talk to her. I promise. You're right, she doesn't deserve to be shut out."

"Hell yeah, I'm right. I'm always right. Now come on, let's go before Patti blows a fuse." With that the two of us exit the apartment building. The only thing on my mind is how I'm going to make this up to Andy.

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