02- secrets

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They were sitting in the sand close to each other. They were just two strangers met by an accident., but their souls were as close as lovers are. After minutes of silence Luke spoke up.

" And what's your full name?" Luke asked whispering as if the salty wind would have blown away his words if he spoke louder. Hanna got goosebumps. Luke's breath smeeled like mint, he must have been chewing gums, Hanna tought.

" Why is that so important? It's not like we are going to met ever again. I'm not a very important person." Hanna watched the moon as she was speaking. She saw Luke from the corner of her eye, his smile faded into a straight line. Maybe he was not used to girls refusing him.

" You seem like a special girl to me. I mean, who comes out in the middle of the night just to take photos." Hanna shook her head , and closed her eyes. Luke continued.

" I want to know you Hanna. I really am. You don't know me at all. I kinda like that. You know, these days all of the girls I meet are screaming my name, and ask for a signature." Luke chuckled. Hanna was struggling with herself, whether she should tell Luke her name, or shouldn't. She turned her head to Luke, took a deep breath and then let the words fall out of her mouth.

" Hanna Elise Fry." the words were already blown away by the soft wind.

They were only two teens sitting on the shore watching the full Moon in it's complete radiance, talking about things everyone talks about. It may sound usual, but them it was more. Two people, so different, yet so resemble in heart. The silence between them didn't feel awkward, it was comforting. The whole existence of him was just so spiritually pure. He was the first boy who didn't know about her past. Who didn't know about what she had done against herself. Who didn't judge her. The feeling of happiness crawled under her skin, and after a very long time she felt happy again. Luke was a creature so unique, his positivity found gaps on her soul and slid to her heart, warming it up with every second she spent with him. This warm feeling was so strange to Hanna, but felt so good, She was overwhelmed so much that suddenly tears were running down on her face to her neck. Luke leaned in, and looked at her. His voice trailed off.

" Hanna. Why are you crying? A girl as beautiful as you shouldn't cry." he told her these simple words with so much care, she started crying even harder. Hanna clasped her hands around his neck still crying.

" Please don't cry. I hate to see when someone's crying. " he hugged her back. Hanna chuckled. She stopped crying. She wiped the dried tears with the back of her hand , took a deep , a very deep breath just to calm herself down and started speaking.

" I am a complete mess Luke. And you are the first person who didn't judge me. But i can't be friends with you. It doesn't matter how bad I want to, but I just can't. " Hanna's voice was still hoarse from crying.

" Why not? " Luke asked looking rather confused. He pulled away. She also pulled away, and pulled down the sleeves of her jacket even more to warm up her cold hands.

" You don't want to know me. And I.... " Hanna took a deep breath and continued. " I don't want to hurt you. " tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. She set aside her heart. She wanted to meet this boy again, but she can never knew when will she brake down again, and she doesn't want to hurt this boy.

"How would you hurt me?" the wishpers shared between them were so quiet, like someone's going to hear it if they talk louder. Luke's bright blue eyes were tired, his voice became quieter with every sentence. Both of them were tired, but none of them was able to get up and leave. The time passed so quickly now being half past 2 in the morning.

" You don't want to know that." she said staring at Luke with her dark brown eyes , looking for some reaction. He just shook his head. Is that meant nothing? Is that meant everything? Hanna didn't know.

"Look. You wouldn't understand and I can't explain. So please let's talk about something else, anything else. Okay?" She begged to him, for one second she looked at him and then turned her attention to the little clouds of warm air that came out of her lips. She prayed that he wouldn't ask more questions about her past. All she wanted was to forget, and by bringing things up again you can't forget, can you?

"Okay. But I still have no idea why you were crying. " He said leaning back on his elbows looking up to the sky. It was getting real cold, shiver ran on Hanna's body from her bare neck alongside her spine down to her toes. But the move Luke made, exposing his body even more to the cold air, while she was curled up in a ball, she had to laugh at him. They both started laughing. The shore was loud because of them. After a minute or two of silence Hanna started talking, the words fell out of her mouth without her knowing it.

" My mom's name was Elise. " that's all what she said so silently she thought Luke didn't hear it.

"Was? How do you mean her name was? " He must have feel confused, and why wouldn't he. Everyone has a mom, at least everyone had who he knew.

" She is dead Luke. And I was the one to but an end to her life. " she said looking down at the sand, so she wouldn't have to face Luke.

" What. No. I don't believe you. " he shok his head. Hanna laughed. Not because she was happy, but because of her own misfortune.

" She died when I was being born. If I have never been borned, she would be living ." She spoke up looking at the light orange sky as the Sun was slowly rising above Sydney. Her father once told Hanna that her mother loved watching sunrise, so she did the same when she had a chance to. Luke sat in silence, drawing some undechiperable pattern into the sand. Hanna looked for his eyes, but they were focusing on the sand. He finally started to talk.

" Hanna. You didn't kill your mother. She lives in your heart forever. And if you have never been borned, we wouldn't met. If you have never been borned, I would have never meet such a beautiful human being like you. " He took a deep breath and opened his arms. " Now Hanna Elise Fry, come here." a small smile appeared on his lips, his eyes focused on Hanna. She leaned in and rested her head on Luke's chest. His heartbeat was slow, his skin was warm even though the temperature was not warm at all. They probably looked like a ridiculously perfect couple.

" You know, you can be an ex-murderer or some kind of psychopath." Hanna murmured the words to Luke's chest. She felt his chest shaking as he broke into laughter.

" Are you saying that you are scared of me?" Luke asked while caressing Hanna's forehead. She felt slumber crawl into her mind, her eyelinds getting heavier and heavier with every seconds. She kept her eyes closed, whilst listening to Luke's heartbeat.

"Well, I'm not afraid of you. I don't think you could hurt anybody." Hanna looked up to Luke. The colors of the rising sun reflected from his blue eyes. It was beautiful. Hanna continued. "Luke, we can actually get robbed if we fall asleep." she mumbled closing her eyes again.

" I am not gonna let that happen." his voice was raspy. He checked the time on his phone. After he checked it, he wrapped his hands around Hanna, the safety she was looking for was in this boy's hug the sparkle of love she was waiting for. Hanna's voice was really sleepy when she finally started to speak.

" Good. " she pulled closer to the boy she just met 3 hours ago. It was weird but it was not in the same time. First in her life she really felt loved. She knew she wanted to ask what the time was, but the tiredness wrecked her mind, making it harder to form a sentence. " What time is it?"

"It's almost 4 in the morning." Hanna just smiled to herself , but didn't move.

"Do you want to go home? I can take you." Luke offered, but clearly didn't have the intention to move either. Their voices were sleepy, and both their eyes were shut.

" I want to just stay like this for a minute and then you can walk me home. Actually I want yout to walk me home " After that, Hanna's breathing was started to slow down, as well as Luke's.

" Okay. " Luke murmured to Hanna's hair. And then all of a sudden both were sleeping. Two total strangers cuddling in the sand. I must say, everything has changed in both of their lifes.

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