03 - trouble

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Hanna was woken up by the sound of the ocean. She turned her head to the side , just to feel warm skin under her fingertips, and hear the sound of breathing next to her. Her eyes popped open, and she immediately sat up. The blonde boy was quietly snoring and hugging her with one arm. Her hair was a total mess, her makeup slid down on her face, leaving her as a clown of some kind. The weather was warmer than it was earlier, but Hanna felt chilly. She tought to herself "Oh, great! I probably caught a cold, again. " Normally she would lay in her soft and comfy bed with a huge duvet on her. She didn't remember when they had fallen asleep, but she was sure they slept a lot. She looked for her phone, only to find out that it was dead. Brilliant , she tought. She tried to wake up the boy next to her, but didn't reach her aim.

" Oh fuck. Luke get up!" Hanna shouted at him, but she still didn't manage to wake him up, after that she covered his nose, and Luke immediately woke up.

" What the hell?" he opened his eyes, looked around, scratched his head, making his hair even messier." Oh shit. We fell asleep, didn't we?" he asked from Hanna. Altough they were probably in a big trouble he couldn't deny the beauty of her.

"We did." Hanna sighed. She hold her head in her hands and shook her head.

" My father will kill me." she murmured to herself. Luke started laughing as if he have just heard one of the greatest jokes ever. Unfortunately this was not the case.

" Why are you laughing? I'm not laughing. This isn't funny Lucas. I am so dead. " Hanna freaked out, and started walking in circles, while she ran her hands through her hair multiple times.

" Easy Hanna. I'm sure your father won't kill you. " Luke said still lying in the sand, trying to calm Hanna down.

"How can you be so calm, while I'm freaking out? " Hanna asked, still walking up and down, and looking fairly nervous. Luke rolled his eyes, and checked his phone. When he saw the time his eyes widened,and he immediately jumped up.

"What happened? Moments ago you were the one who said take it easy, weren't you? " Hanna crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for Luke to say something.

" It's 9 AM Hanna! It's freaking 9 o'clock. I have band practice in 15 minutes, and the rehersal room happens to be 20 minutes away. How am I gonna explain to the boys why I'm late? " Luke collapsed into the sand taking his head to his hands.

"You're gonna tell them the truth. If you're lucky they won't kick you out of the band. " Hanna said as she sat next to Luke, giggling o the boy's misfortune. He raised his head and started smiling. His eyes were shining as the sun lit them. A glimpse of mischief that Hanna caught rushing through his head, made her cut Luke off before he could speak.

"No. Whatever you're gonna ask me to do I will say no. " and with that, Hanna stood up and walked away from him. Luke soon caught up with her, well he had those insanely big feet so this was not surprising at all. He lifted her up and started running with Hanna on his shoulder. She hit his back and started throwing words at him a lady should never spell. But all of this seemed to be useless, as Luke obviously didn't want to put her down

"Lucas! If you won't put me down I swear I'm gonna rip off your head and throw it in the ocean" Hanna shouted. Luke responded with the dumbest response Hanna has ever heard.

"Shh. Someone might hear you and we're gonna be in trouble." Hanna hit his back even harder this time. But again, it didn't prove to be bothering him.

"We are already in trouble asshole! " and that was it. Hanna knew that Luke won't put her down until he reaches his aim. It didn't mattered how hard Hanna fought, she ended up being a bolting-bag. Luke was in very good condition. Hanna was not heavy at all, but she was surprised how long Luke could carry her.

"So, I was just wondering about when you will put me down, ya know because all of my blood is now in my head and I'm kind of feeling a little bit dizzy. " Hanna's voice was soft but full of resentfullness. Luke suddenly stopped.

" I will only put you down if you promise me that you won't run away. Okay?" Luke was out of breath , of course he was, he ran nearly 250 meters with Hanna on his shoulder.

"Fine!" she said, ready to feel the sand under her feet again.

" Okay. I will put you down in a minute." and with that Luke started walking towards the parking lot.

"Luke!! " Hanna shouted at him. Then the blonde haired guy stopped in front of a blue Camaro. He carefully put the girl down and He took a key from his pocket and slid it into the lock. He opened the door to Hanna, like a gentleman.

"Ladies first!" a wide smile spread across Luke's face, his bright eyes shining even brighter. Hanna didn't move, but she regretted her decision. After a few seconds Luke must have had enough of Hanna's resistance and so he grabbed her hand and lead her to the door.

"Thank you!" a wide smile spread over her face despite of her not wanting to smile. Hanna couldn't deny that she liked the way he treated her, she liked that blonde haired punk-rocker even though she didn't really know anything about him.

"My pleasure!" Luke winked at her. She lovered her eyes and hid them from those charming eyes of Luke. He got in the car too, and started the engine. A few moments later they were hitting up the road, gliding in the sunlight.

"Where are we going?" Hanna asked with a Luke, but he didn't responded just winked again. Oh god he was so hot when he did that.

"Luke, if you don't tell me where are we going , I will get out of this car." Hanna said ,threatening him.

"Fine. " he gave up. " We're going to my band practice." he said resting his hands on the wheel , looking up to the traffic light waiting for it to turn to green.

"Wait a minute. Why am I going with you?" Hanna asked, staring at him with a death glare. She had no idea why Luke wanted her to go with him to his band practice. This whole situation was so ridiculous , the only thing Hanna wanted to do is laugh. And she did. She cry laughed, she had almost gotten sick from laughing. Luke wasn't laughing.

"Hanna Elise, I'm serious." he said as a smile appeared on his lips.

"Okay Lucas, but please tell me why you need me there." Hanna was really curious of how many reasons he could list. Luke was a very lucky guy, as Hanna's favourite song was playing in the radio, she couldn't resist singing it, so instead of asking questions she sang with all her heart.

" Hey now call it a split cause I know that you will..." she closed her eyes and just felt the music She wasn't singing loud, mostly to herself. But when Luke chuckled she knew he heard her singing. The thought of how ridiculous her voice could be made her blush, but she continued anyway. Luke was smiling at her, and joined in to the impromptu singalong.

" You say , we'll go where nobody knows, with guns hidden under our petticoats. " he drummed with his fingers on the wheel to the rhythm of the song.

"No we're never gunna' quit . No we're never gunna' quit it , no." Their voices were united. They were singing as loud as they could.

When the song ended all Hanna could do is smile. So did Luke. They were smiling like idiots, and all of a sudden they started laughing. Hanna didn't know why they were laughing, all she knew was it felt good. Her father always told her, not to talk to strangers, and here she was sitting in a car with a total stranger after she slept in his arms at the beach.

As it turned out, the famous rehearsal place was a garage. Hanna had a déja vu feeling, but she ignored it. Well, she shouldn't have. Luke rang the doorbell , and they waited for someone to answer. When the door opened Hanna didn't believed her eyes. Her skintone faded to white and all she wanted to do was run. Run as fast as she could. Because the person who answered the door was her past. A past she wanted to forget. A boy she never wanted to meet again. It was Ashton Irwin. Her darkest secret.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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