dreaming reality

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I sat in the. corner of my room cring. I sat there for a hour before I whined my messed up face. "I-i...w-wo-won-wont go t-to sc-scho-school to-today." I cried under my breath.

I put my hand on the wall and sat up. I saw my shirt and jeans had gotten wet and also a puddle on the floor.

"G-great now I'm w-wet." I complained. I slowly walked over to my bed. Felling disgusted of my wet jeans.

I sat down and sighed. "What If I never can even look at her without cring soon enough?" I asked myself.

"Who am i?" I asked myself again.
"What have I done?" I wondered.
"Will i go to hell?" I thought.
1 little tear rolled down my face.
"Don't I love her, them abandoned her?" I sobbed.

"WHAT am i.." I skreamed. I looked outside my window to see the pouring rain."not very often it rains" I sobbed.

I looked away and lyed down on my bed. I slowly closed my eyes. I didn't fall asleep though..my heart sank as I thought of her.

I walked down stairs and my hand twitched. I looked at the knifes and held my arm. "It's best for me.." I expressed.

I walked over to where I always put my knifes and grabbed one. I looked at the sharp blade. It was mesmerizing.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I pulled up my sleeve and gripped the knife harder. Soon enough I gripped so hard, it hurt.

I slowly tucked the knife down toward my wrist. I sighed one more time. I opened my eyes and blinked. Closed my mouth blinked once more.

"I'm ok.."I groaned. But no. I slid the knife down the edges of my wrist. A red line marked my arm. Blood leaked out.

"See, it's ok.." I cried. Pain shocked up my arm through my whole body. I grinded my teeth together and my eyes opened wide.

A silent skream came out. I put the knife down in the sink and grinned. I looked at the bathroom and shook my head.

I grabbed a cloth from my cabnit and ran it under warm water. I let it run for 2 minutes and stopped the water.

I slowly put the cloth over my wrist and let out a sigh of relief. It didn't hurt. I pulled down my sleeve gripping on the cloth.

I looked up for the time and school had started 40 minutes ago. I looked out the window.the rain had just started to clear up and I smiled.

I looked back in the kitchen and walked up stairs. I looked over at the bathroom but went in my room. I didn't bother to lock it though.

"I better stay awake." I thought. "Only for the cloth.." I unhappiley sighed. What if sayori actually hates me? I thought.

I looked to my left and my eyes started to feel like they were being pulled out of my head. They ached.

I suddenly slowly closed my eyes. Opened them quickly and it repeated, till I fell asleep..

The dream had only been about the festival,till one part...

In dream:

There had been a dance for every cupple. Sayori ran up to me, "come let's go to the party". She slowly blinked."ok!" I replied.

She grabbed me by the hand and pulled me. We walked into a place with very big dance lights.

A huge dance floor,glass coloured windows, and people. But most of all, a sayori.

Happy tears fell down my face as we danced, when they announced a special announcement

"Now every cupple must kiss!" Someone hollered. Sayori reached up to my Hight and closed in.

We kissed for a long time. I couldn't belive my eyes. The love of my life kissing me. But when we were leaving she asked.

"Don't you love me.." she smiled. "Yes!" I shouted. "I love you.." she frowned. I knew she didn't love me. But that was because..

"Hey sayori I bought you something!!" No awnser. "Coming in!" I slowly open the door.

I see her lying on the ground cring. She looked at me. "I i can't.." she sobbed. "What do you mean?" I questioned.

"I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!!" She shouted.

I cried, I ran out of her house ran in my house,and cried in the corner,I lyed on my bed and fell asleep.

In reality

"AHH" I skreamed. I had never seen a dream like that before.

I whipped tears from my eyes. Had she been a cheater, using me, what? That felt so real?

Same outfit,so realistic,drama...and the kiss....it felt so real, I could feel her lips touching mine. No joke.

So, I walked over to her house. Her house door was open so I walked in. She was on the floor, cring.

Same outfit as the dream?

"Sayori?" "You avoided me.." sayori hissed..
"H-how? W-wha-"I started."I heard you this morning..."she sobbed.

"So..."I sighed.
"I broke up with you.. but I didn't mean it in that intention,only if we can not talk for a day.." she sighed. We cried as I left.

"Well..." I groaned. I found it so hard to do this, but oh well... a flower fell on my head. I looked up and it fell.

I turned around and looked down. It was cherry blossom peddle. I smiled and walked away.

My heart, it felt like it stopped. "So it wasn't a dream.." I thought.. I dropped as I didn't know why.

My vision got blury, and I fainted. I heart sirens and sayori cring.. what had happened to me?

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I know it's a bit short but oh well. It'll do. Any way it was close enough.my youtube channel name is gatcha chan. It's only gatcha studio vids. Sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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