..Football, soccer or whatever you choose to call it..

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Whats the point of watching football, soccer or whatever you choose to call it?

Is it the part where you watch sweaty athletes show off their stamina as they chase after a ball while you, the observers, get disappointed when they miss the goal?

I'm no expert--- quite frankly I have no idea what is going on, but normally, you would not catch me dead at a football game. It is my best friend, Caleb, first real game, so my support is needed, but you can imagine my regret staring at him sitting in the same place he has been for the entirety of the first half of the game, on the bench, while the other athletes run off to start the last half of the game.

Despite his lack of involvement in the game, our schools team; The Lions are dominating our rival, Richmond high Walruses -- 4:1. At least, that is what the loud group of boys behind me shouted to one another.

Richmond high has been our worst rival because they started this stupid tradition 10 years ago where they sneak into our school at the end of the season and does unimaginable things to our schools mascot, Blaze the Lions costume.

Also, they beat us bloody every football game for at least 3 years.

My dad, the principal Mr. Bentley, makes extra precautions every year, but somehow, every year, they sneak past his so called "top security". Just last year they even went as far as kidnapping the costume, but little did they know a small framed freshman named, Joran was still in it. You would think that they aborted their mission, but I can assure you, they did not. One day after, the girls swimming team found poor Joran locked in their supply room and Blazes costume drenched in smelly green substances.

That incident was the talk of the town for the entire summer. Poor Joran was not heard of again since. So it is not a surprise that both bleachers are completely crowded with students and parents from both schools.

"Lucinda!" I inwardly cringe at the extended version of my name as I look towards my other best friend, Carly.

Being the principals daughter was not what I would describe as a calling card to meet new friends. Most of the students did not want to be my friend because they thought I would "nark" on them to my daddy, which was very idiotic of them to think so. I always thought of myself as a loyal friend and I was really good at keeping secrets, but I would not beg anyone to associate themselves with me. That was their choice and I let them make it, so for the great part of my freshman year of high school I was friendless, until I met Carly. She had just transferred to our school from the Caribbean and was in most of my classes and before the weeks end she practically forced me to sit next to her during our lunch period. Of course I agreed, mainly because it seemed impossible to say no to the tall, intimidating girl that looked like she was about to sucker punch me the moment her invitation was rejected. The time spent with her was surprisingly comforting and void of any dull moments. We became good friends almost instantly and it was just us for a month and a half until Caleb came along. Caleb was a tall, freckled faced boy who seemed completely lost within the huge walls of Wellsprings high school and he fit perfectly into our little group.

"Well, you're late as usual" I shout over the chanting crowd.

Carly smiles as she struggles to squeeze through the group of cheering supporters. The girl sitting beside me practically ran away when she saw her heading our way.

"Poor Addy" Carly says with false pity in her eyes as she stares at Caleb sitting on the bench.

I respected Calebs wishes of not calling him Addison, but she did not. Carly even went as far as abbreviating his girly middle name.

"Why do you insist on calling him Addy when you clearly know how much he hates it?"

"Its not my fault his parents cursed him with a girly middle name, as one of his dearest friends, my job is to help him embrace all the embarrassing parts of himself"

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