Book 6: Scorching Babes

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Riku: Interesting...other planets within another universe? Fascinating.

Beat: Hold up! You seriously didn't know about other universes?

Riku: The galaxy had many different void that lead to all kinds of worlds.

Joshua: But you never bothered to go through?

Riku: You can never be to careful. We don't know what's on the other side.

Neku: You never wondered what's outside of your planet?

Riku: To be honest, no. Everything I ever need is right here.

But what if an outside threat would come to this world?

The inhabitants began to make a commotion, until Riku raised his and everyone became silent. He stood from his chair, standing on the edge of the small steps. Even the Phantom Thieves grew a little anxious.

Riku: YOU! With the mouth. What is your name?

Uhhh...J-John Spicer. But the Phantom Thieves know me by my code name; "Stud."

Riku: Well then...Stud. Explain what you mean by an "outside threat?"

Stud: W-Well, there is a threat from our universe who will be coming to conquer other worlds.

Yamabuki: She's crazy. She's using these human-like machines...

Neku: Androids.

Yamabuki: Right. She's using Androids to accomplish her goal.

Joshua: She sends them to different planets, the Androids eliminate all live on it...

Neku: And she claims another planet for herself.

Riku listens to everything that the Phantom Thieves explain and he has a look on his face that shows he is interested and concerned, at the same time.

Riku: And just who is this woman?

Skull: Uhhh...that we don't know...

Panther: She never told us what her name was.

Beat: She just said that the next time we meet, it'll be our end.

Riku: are considered an enemy to her...and she's planning to eliminate you.

Stud: That's right, bro. We're the only ones who stand between her and her quest for taking over the world.

Riku: I see...well, if that is the case...then count me in.


Riku: This enemy of yours sounds interesting. Like a real challenge. I'm up for that.

Neku: Wait a minute, you're saying that you're willing to...

Riku: That's right. I'm going with you.

Are you sure this is what you want?

Riku: If this enemy is as interesting as you make it sound, then I could use a challenge.

No fun and games. Enemy aura. Beyond imagination.

Riku: And THAT sounds like my kind of challenge. I'm in.

Meanwhile, back on the City of Hariq, Vincent led Cypress and Daisy through the castle, and to a wide open area. Inside, they were brought to many aircrafts.

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