Chapter 4: Is Funtime Foxy dead/alive???

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Thirteen weeks later

Funtime Foxy: (We're am I, how did I get here & why am I burnt up???. I guess I'm going to get out of the ground???)

Funtime Foxy went out of the ground, and he had to go to the back secretly.

Funtime Foxy: (Why do I feel so dizzy, and angry at the same time???)

Bonbon: I think I see something at the back right there in the dark, Freddy.

Funtime Foxy: I see it too, and I think its foxy. HEY GUY'S I THINK FUNTIME FOXY IS AT THE BACK!!! Come on let's say hi to him.

Ballora: okay, and let's hug him too, to tell him that we love him too.

But Funtime Foxy tripped onto a nail that was popping out of the floorboard.

Funtime Foxy: HeLlO, I'm BaCk FrOm SoMeThInG???

Ballora: we've messed you, and we can tell you the hole thing.

And they did, but they didn't know that Funtime Foxy has a dark side inside him.

Funtime Foxy: So, He DiD ThIs To Me, AnD NoW I'm GoInG ToO KiLl AgAiN & AgAiN.

Ballora: But, we need to find you a new suite, and a face too.

Funtime Foxy: I DoN't WaNt To GeT A NeW FaCe & A NeW FaCe ToO!!!!! AnD I nEeD tOo KiLl ThE pUrPlE mAn ToO.

Bonbon: You don't need to kill him, we have something special to show you. So, come on & let's show you.

And then they did, and Funtime Foxy was happy to have the skin for some reason???

Funtime Foxy: YaY i HaVe HiM, sO wHaT dO i Do KnOw???

Funtime Freddy: You can what ever you want, you can do dress up, put on he's skin, and other things too.

So, Funtime Foxy put on the purple skin to show he's family.

Funtime Foxy: HeY gUy'S i HaVe He'S sKiN oN, sO wHaT dO yOu ThInK???

Ballora: We need to fix the purple skin, okay??

So, the family fixed up the sink for Funtime Foxy, and he's happy about it. But there is one more thing they got to fix.

Funtime Foxy: HeY cAn We FiX mY vOiCe BoX pLeAsE???

Then, they did but it was hard to fix a broken, burnt voice box.

Bonbon: So, how do we fix he's voice box???

Funtime Freddy: let me see if there is another voice box. So, bonbon you go make Foxy be better.

Freddy, found a lot of new voice and, gives it to bonbon.

Funtime Freddy: Here you go bonbon, I know you know how to fix voice boxes.

Tell me what voice do you want Funtime Foxy voice wants to be.
And will they show curise baby this??? Find out next time on chapter 5.

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