Chapter 5- Too good to be true

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Alicia P.O.V.

I walked back in to see Devante playing Peek a boo with the twins. The twins were just laughing and smiling the whole time. "You know they can talk right?" I asked as I sat back down.

"Really? All I've heard them do since I got here is giggle." he said chuckling.

"Yeah watch" I said as I faced the twins."hey babies can you say something for your daddy?"

"Hey daddy!" they said in union as they waved their hands excitedly. He smiled a big kool-aid man smile and I couldn't say I didn't miss that about him.

"What else can they do?" he asked as he let Autumn grab at his fingers.

"Well you already saw that they can walk but sometimes they need a little help to keep balanced.Umm they feed themselves now and they recently have finished potty training but Jr. still wears diapers from time to time." I said thinking if there was anything I was forgetting.

"Damn you been doing good for me not to be there."

"Well after you left I started to realize that the whole world doesn't revolve around you." I said shrugging.

"Yeah I know that was a bit- I mean cowardly move for me to make. I didn't have the right to leave you alone especially after what was happening. You gave me my first children and it wasn't right for me to just walk out on you like that. I left my friends, family and love of my life to live the fast life and I still regret it to this day. I mean sure I'm one of the top drug lords in the city but that don't mean anything if I can't have my family, friends, and girl of my dreams with me along the way. I made a mistake and all I'm asking is that you forgive me and let me be in my children's life even if that means we just stay as friends I willing to take it one step at a time." he finished staring straight into my eyes.

Devante P.O.V.

I sat nervous of what her response would be. Don't get me wrong I know I'm asking for a lot but I just want things to be right with my kids. I already missed out on so much. From their first steps to their first words. I should've been there to help and experience that with Alicia. I screwed up bad, but at least I wanna do better.

"I honestly don't what to say..... I mean how to start." she said shaking her head.

"it's okay I knew was a long shot anyways" I said hiding the hurt in my voice.

"no I mean I want you in their lives it's just surprising that you're actually reaching out to help them." My facial expression changed in .1 seconds as I engulfed her in a huge hug. I got two of my babies back just to get my last one back. We finished eating and went to Chuck E. Cheese's and let the twins play around.Afterwards I helped Alicia put the twins back in their seats.

"Thanks again for letting me back in their lives you don't know how happy I am right now."

"yeah just don't make me regret that decision" she said lowly before closing the door and starting her car.

"wait mommy I got give daddy"Autumn shouted causing Alicia to stop. I opened the back door and Autumn held out her little fist. "here daddy yours" she said.

"Aww thanks baby girl daddy promises to bring you and your brother something next time he sees you" I said smiling at the little plastic ring she had placed in my hand.

"when dat be daddy?"

"I don't know baby girl lets ask mommy" I said smiling at Alicia.

"it will probably be in two days baby"

"but mommy too long" Autumn pouted crossing her small arms.

"it's alright baby girl daddy promises to call until then" I replied planting a kiss on her forehead and Jr's.

"Kay bye daddy" she said as I closed the door.

"bye baby and be good for mommy" I said as I walked over to my car now to go check on the trap.

***********Trap house**********

I got out my car and made my way towards my office, checking to see which of my workers had left already. I open my office door and was greeted by Chloe sitting in my chair talking to one of my connects on the phone.


"who was that?"I asked as she got up and sat in my lap.

"Enrique" she said rolling her eyes. "this is the third time he hasn't had the money on time.shit stressing me out"

"shit you and me both you know ain't one of them niggas here counting, weighing or bagging"

"speaking of your niggas you need to control them like forreal forreal"

"What you mean? my niggas loyal"

"if loyal doesn't include hitting on your girl then I guess so" she said about to get up.

"hold up who hit on you?" I said holding her arm to keep her from leaving.

"that bitch nigga Nate" she said before she left the room. I can't believe this shit........


Well here's a whole chapter of Alicia and Devante pov

oh and can y'all tell me some good book by people on here I caught up on the ones in my library

A Thug's Love Sequel: Together Until The EndWhere stories live. Discover now