I'm going to be playing with the POVs a bit - meaning I'll be going a lot back and forth.
I hope you'll enjoy!
Siobhan’s POV (Point Of View)
The grounds around the City we’d taken were lit up by campfires where the soldiers were now laughing in merry victory or drinking a toast to a fallen comrade. I wrinkled my nose, the stench of fire, sweat, and blood was everywhere. It didn’t matter how many battles I’d been in, the smell after was always bad. I went by the few tents put up for the generals as I made my way to my squadron’s campfire. All ten men were laughing and joking with each other when I arrived. Punching shoulders and clinking mugs. We had not lost any men in the last three sieges.
“At last! Our noble leader graces us with his presence!” Grady hollered and raised his mug in toast. I threw a small pebble at him playfully. “Shut up. The general wanted to have a word with me.”
“What did father dearest want?” Riley asked, his face flushed from the beer. It rarely took more than three mugs of good beer before he was sloshed. “Not much. He congratulated me with the manoeuvre we pulled off today.”
“Hell yeah! Outnumbered three to one and we still secured the western tower! That deserves a beer.” Grady bottomed and didn’t bother to rub away the beer that spilled. I sat down in their circle around the campfire and accepted the mug that was handed to me. “You did very well today,” I said and raised my beer. The other joined my toast and let out a proud yell.
“Hey, hey! Have you heard?” A man from another squadron’s campfire asked, having walked over to us. “What?” Grady asked, curious as always. Emnar who was almost always quiet - he once told me it made it easier for him to eavesdrop - looked up with a glint in his eye.
“The emperor is supposedly here!” The man yell-whispered it to us while looking around, as if it was a great secret. When he was sure we’d all heard him, he went to the next campfire to share the news. I looked to Emnar with a raised eyebrow, he shrugged. Apparently he didn’t know anything about it - usually he knew all the gossip.
“Think he’ll be bringing the rest of the army?” Riley asked. I shook my head. “No, the consort is with child so she will stay at the castle. We already have the city in our hands and 75 squadrons and two generals, one of them being the Eye. He’ll only have brought enough for a safe journey. That is if he is here.”
A bell tolled from the Strategy Tent. One, two... three. One toll meant the Eye was needed. Two that all the generals present were needed. Three all of the former mentioned plus the squadron leaders. I let Grady take over my mug - which he seemed very happy with - and began making my way back to the centre of the camp. I could see the silhouettes of other squadron leaders doing the same. Our camp was located near the edges, so it took me a little while before I reached the Strategy Tent. The guards at the opening checked the markings on my wrist guard before nodding me on.
Inside I spotted about 80 squadron leaders - me included - the Third General, The Eye, and the emperor. The rumour had been true. I was surprised to find another figure seated next to the emperor at the high table. Keeping to the tent’s walls I crept closer. A gasp escaped me when I saw the person sitting there. No, not person. She had to be an elf. She had long red hair and the fairest skin I’d ever seen, it was as the sun had never dared to touch her. I didn’t even notice myself keep trying to get closer before I was almost at the table. Get a hold of yourself. That’s obviously a noble lady. I backed up, but made sure I still had a clear view of her. God, she was beautiful. I wanted to get closer. So close I would be able to see the colour of her eyes - in the light from the candles and at this distance I couldn’t see it.
Building an Empire [M/M]
RomanceAlexander is your typical rich boy who rebels against his father, yet is too much of a coward to actually run away. One day on schooltrip, though, he meets a certain future-teller... Siobhan is the bastard son of one of the Emperor's greatest gen...