Chapter 2~ Just Burn In Hell For All Of Eternity

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Grell’s V.O.T.S
H-how dare she speak to me like that! I just came to finish what I started and she flashed her luscious curves at me! How d-dare she! I’m trembling! Thank goodness for all those stuffed animals she threw at me. They gave me comfort as I tried erasing the image from my head.
    I feel so degraded! “Incompetent, half brained, low life, good for nothing, loser of a man!” I heard her growl from behind the boysenberry door. Moments later, while I cuddled with all her stuffed animals, she walked out in a byzantine colored corset with a matching knee length skirt. A white apron hugged her figure, purple Victorian boots hung limply in her hands along with white stockings.
        “You’re a maid?” I tilted my head, petting the otter. She nodded while yawning. Her face was free of make up, yet somehow I found beauty in it. Wait? I what? This woman showed me her birthday suit I just have my head all messed up in thought! “Where do you work?” I asked.
            “For now I work for a rich man in downtown, he lives in a medium sized mansion from what I was told. Its only part-time. The pay seemed reasonable so I we-” she yawned again “-nt for it, y’know? Gotta make money or else” the lady sat down on the couch and pulled on the stockings, then the boots. “Do you like purple?” I asked even though the answer was obvious. “No I hate it” she said sarcastically throwing me an emotionless glare.
        I chuckled a little. She turned her face to me, I saw confusion in her eyes, “Why did you...chuckle?” she stood up tightening the bow of her apron. “You did something funny. You know...made a bit of a joke” I laughed nervously. I have the feeling she doesn't socialize much. “Oh! My name is-”. “Save it. I don’t care” she went over to her kitchen and rummaged in a few cabinets before taking out a box of granola bars. I watched as she reached in and grabbed two, tossing one to me out of hospitality.
                Hm...maybe I should let her live awhile. Ooo~! I could ask Will if she’s on the to-die list~! If she is I want to reap her soul~! “So what are your favorite shades of purple?” I asked trying to make conversation as I tore the wrapping off the granola bar, which she had already done and was about to take a bite.
            “That's easy. Deep Ruby, Eminence, and Electric Violet” she said patting a cookie jar which I guessed was one of those three colors. “Got any favorite shades of red?” she asked finishing off the Granola bar. “Yes.” I said, smiling. “Really?” she yawned again. “ALL OF THEM~!” I giggled standing up quickly. I feel like I’m forgetting something…..huh!
    “SHIT! I’m going to be late for work~! I hate to cut this meeting so late sweetie but I must go to work~!” I dramatically sighed and skipped to her front door. “In other words….murder?” I physically felt like she bit me and injected venom into my bloodstream! How awful!
                “N-no~! Not exactly, sweetie~! But good luck~!” I winked before leaving.

Maige’s V.O.T.S
    I swear this is the last time we will see each other.

I finally broke down in a state of absolute fear and paranoia. “HE CAME TO KILL ME! He knows where I live! I’m dooooooomeeed!!!!” I started to sob. “He saw me naked I feel so disgusted. I-I let him see my jiggly jaggles!” I said grabbing my boobs protectively.

        I cried like a baby with a full diaper until I finally got myself to calm down. Work, work, work. I’ll work till he’s out of my mind! “Yes! Yes I’ll work till the ends of the earth! I’ll avoid being alone! I won’t come home very often! I’LL AVOID THAT ASS WHOLE!” I stood, suddenly a rush of adrenaline entering my veins. “Work!” I chanted for a full hour dancing around my apartment. God I must look weird with a permanent frown and expressionless face. Emotion can be expressed vocally and through my eyes but other than that I’m a sack of potatoes.

    I headed to my new job as a maid, full of energy and determination to forget what happened in the past twenty four hours. I never met that red headed man and he never met me! That's just how its supposed to be! I refuse with every fiber of my being to think of him! After work I’ll go to the store and buy food! I’ll cook dinner for once! And sleep! Yes I will sleep like a champion tonight!
        It was a long bus ride and walk to the medium sized mansion but I made it there eventually and knocked on the door. A few moments later I pressed the doorbell. “Coming!” I heard a woman shout as the door flung open. “Hello you must be the maid. I’m the first maid, Louise” she said shaking my hand and dragging me inside. The door slammed behind me with a loud bang that I swore whispered “You're here forever” creepy...on the other hand Louise seemed like a nice gal.
    “Smile” she ordered. “Can’t, I have a nerve paralysis in my face that prevents me from smiling” I lied easily. She gave me a sympathetic smile and patted my shoulder as she showed me the rooms and where I would be working most. Which just so happened to be the kitchen. Apparently the chief constantly made a mess but his cooking was good, at least that's what she said.

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