Farewell Party

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My friends and I were hanging out, doing some stunts and all that. We were heading to college first thing tomorrow morning and we were going to have the best time of our lives! My and PJ's dads were doing preparations for our farewell party while we had our last bit of fun.

We decided to go take a break and catch our breath as PJ's fixes a few things on his bike. I feel a whole wave of excitement as I told my pals,

"Do you realize, going off to college means no more well-meaning, but totally smothering, overprotective, doting hu-YUCKing dads?"

PJ just sighed. "Yeah, well yours, at least. My dad's been counting down the days until he can turn my bedroom into a bowling alley"

"Hey! We have a surefire way to shoot straight to the top of the freshman heap–"

"The College XGames!" We say together.

"First freshmen to win it all!" PJ shouts confidently.

"First team to boot those number one  Gammas on there boota~ays!" Bobby adds.

I jump off they small half pipe encouraging, "The Gammas maybe five-time winners, but I hope they're for a losing streak!"

We put our hands in a cheer. "Let's beat the Gammas! Let's do it to it!!" We get all hype from the excitement when I hear my phone ring. I picked it up.


"Hi! It's me, (last name). I wanted to know when you'll be droppin' by?" A female voice spoke through the line.

"Oh, right! We'll be heading out first thing in the morning. So we'll probably be there by noon." I responded.

"Great, see you then darling!–" and she hung up. I don't why she calls me 'darling', but I think that's just the way she speaks.

"Who was it, Maximilian?" Bobby asked, curiously.

"Oh, that was our new roommate." I replied, "You have to pay extra to get into the dorm rooms so I sought out for someone who had extra space."


"Hey, come on! Check out what I've been working on!"

I get back on the half pipe and start doing some new tricks. The guys were cheering me on and my dad even came to watch. Doing some things here and there and jump off, giving a howl. My dad walks up to me giving me some kind of advice.

"Listen, son. That there XGames fiddle-faddle maybe all well and fun but remember, you're going off to college to make something of yourselves!"

"Exactly!" I agreed.

"You'll get a degree and the world will be your clam" he finishes proudly.

"Uh, oyster, dad?" I tried correcting him.

But, my dad being oblivious denies it, like it was an offer saying, "Oh, no thanks. I'm saving room for weenies!" And brought us to the other side of the yard. "Now, let me show you what I mean."

He picked up a horse shoe and we knew exactly where this was going. We boredly sit down waiting for this lecture to be over and watch my dad throw the horse shoe. Half way through, when he wasn't looking we snuck away to go eat some of Pete's cooking.

Later that night, I finished packing whatever I had left, overjoyed to leave this place. I stuff the last of my clothes and my father walks in, looking around the empty room. Well, most of the empty room. He insisted on helping me pack, but I declined his offer and said I could do it myself.

"I sure hope so. I'm not going to be there at college to pick up after you! In fact," he let out a sad breath, "it's gonna be a long time before you see your old man again.." I grinned at the thought. "What, maybe Christmas?" He tears up.

I bring the rest of my things to my suitcase, stuffing them inside, and trying comfort my dad. "Oh, dad! It'll go by fast–not too fast I hope–" I mumble the last bit.

"It's time to take charge! Live your own life, you're a grown man now, Maxiepoo~" says my dad as he puts my old stuffed bear in my case.

I was confused, yet annoyed, that he's still treating me like a child of three. I take the bear and toss it on the bed with my following words, "I'm not taking an old stuffed bear to college, dad!"

He insisted that I bring it but I keep pushing it away. We fought about it for quick seconds before I threw it to the wall and letting it fall to the floor. I snapped my suitcase closed and put it to the side ready for tomorrow. Dad suddenly grins and runs off to get something for me. He comes back with a wrapped present in his hands and passes it to me. It was heavy like a bag of weights. I ripped off the wrapping paper and to my literal surprise, I had no idea what this was. It looked like to be a type writer of some sort. My dad took a photo and chuckled.

"Too stunned to speak, huh?"

I too chuckled, but awkwardly. "No, just...stunned. what is it?"

"This was my father's. And now, son, it's yours."

I gave a thoughtful smile to him. "Thanks, Dad. This means a lot to me." I put down the type writer and stretch letting out a yawn. "Listen, I'm gonna turn in for tonight. Big day tomorrow.." I laid in bed as my dad tucked me in and ruffled my hair. He makes his way to the doorframe, before turning off the lights I said, "Good night, dad.."

He replied with a simple, "Good night, son." And walked out without me knowing that he saw me pick up my bear, hugging it in my sleep, and closed the door....

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