Experiences of a Bed

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Author's Note

Hey guys guess who is back?

Well read to find out. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had even forgotten my plot and my character's name. I feel like a bad person.

I Also have a shout out to the bird that scared me to death the other day. Like thank you so very much for bringing out my fears mate and letting the whole class watch in amusement my reaction to you.

Life just always get better.

Not.... Still pissed thou.

Anyways thanks for selecting on my book.

And enjoy, vote and comment.

To all my readers this was supposed to be a funny book but me being me, not being able to give jokes, it's just a plain old story that I haven't seen anyone else with so far.


Naomi's Pov

"Just the person I was looking for. "She starts off.

I begin looking around the bathroom. Who me? Is she talking to me?

"What do you want, I have nothing to offer".I reply giving her my best fake smile. I wish I could smirk like she does. I feel so infuriated and intimidated by her. It's heart breaking really that im only a slow snob around her or tge fact that I can't speak in her presence.

I need guts.

Lots and lots of it.

"I have a simple request. "She begins, what request? What did I do?

"Are you aware that Bryan and I are official? " ,I nod my head yes. I mean who wouldn't know that their boyfriend -because we aren't over yet, he did not break up with me- is dating a slut. It's quite obvious. As clear as day To me.

They sleep in the same bed, have sex all day and all night, eating food together and getting his kisses every morning. Honestly I miss him very much and if it wasn't for miss I'm so perfect over here,he would still fully be mine.

"I need you to stay the hell away from us. Specifically him. He is mine and mine only. If you continue texting him I'm gonna send my men out here to deal with you. Am I making my self clear? "I only nod afterwards and she turns and walks out the bathroom leaving me dumb struck behind.

Was that a threat?

She did not just...

What am I going to do?

I possibly cant live without Bryan and if I can't text him anymore what am I going to do?

All of a sudden I'm being thrown into a dark blackness and all I can feel is fear.

I'm then placed in a room full of mirrors with Jane in every one of them.

"Leave and never return."

"No. " everything here seems so near but so far.

"Leave and never return bitch." The same voice repeats, echoing through the dark invisible walls behind these mirrors.

"I said No! This is my life !"

"If you dont I'm gonna kill you and your baby! And I will have my happily ever after, while you rot in hell. "

All of a sudden I'm been pulled from behind and I can feel something with a sharp edge being pressed on my neck.

No I cannot die.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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