I'm afraid.

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Dear journal or Diary

My Name is Arthur Kirkland. And i'm a Reverse cupid.

I have a silver colored wire around my finger.

and that results in much hate on me.

but in reality.

that is really not what i want.

i too, want a soulmate.

to love, to hug, to kiss, to have a future with.

i can be cured.

yet i can't be cured.

That doesn't make any sense yet it makes a lot of sense.

Who'd even want to help me?

I'm Just a mean reverse cupid.

All the happy soulmate couples giving me angry glances.

i want it all gone.

What did i do to deserve this?

i may be an ass but i didn't do anything to hurt someone.

i don't steal, hurt, do something against their will.

Call me a crybaby, a wanker. I don't care anymore.

I just want someone to love.

Those are the words the blonde Brit mindlessly wrote. Arthur awoke back into reality and stared at the paper with a cringing look on his flawless face. It disgusted him, It made him feel weak, It made him scared of Himself . No, That's not what he wanted. He crumbled up the paper and threw it in the bin next to his desk. It was useless anyways. His lincoln green eyes glared at his own reflection when he saw the thick eyebrows, messy hair and the large purple bags under his thick blonde eyelashes.. A deep groan escaped his mouth as he slipped of the oversized green sweater and tripping over it. barely catching himself before it was to late. "Bloody Clumsiness! Why can't i not trip every time?! Ugh,, i need to sleep more and stop skipping sleep to write useless poems or diary entries... " The blonde walked towards the bathroom and started making himself presentable for school. Like making his wheat-blonde hair a little less messy and putting on a bit of cosmetics to hide the large purple eye bags under his beautiful eyes.

After finishing himself up he put on the Hetalia-High school uniform and stared at the silver wire on his index finger. He wanted it gone and replaced with the lovely crimson soulmate thread of love. Yes that was this boy's only dream, Having someone to care about him, Well he didn't exactly show that he was longing for a soulmate to anyone, even his family. He wanted to stay strong, or atleast, look strong and mean towards others. well enough of that.

Arthur surprisingly has a few friends. Other reverse cupids that go to each other to seek comfort. Lovino, Lukas, Lukas' little brother Emil and Lars. They are the most well-known and hated people in the school since they are Reverse-cupids. All normal people are scared of the six and avoid them at all costs. There are another few Reverse-cupids in the school but they don't interact with anyone and are barely known. Like this one guy who transferred here, Roderich Edelstein, An Austrian prick who's little wealthy ass got transferred to this school since his old school made the new rule of not having any Reverse-Cupids there. And he didn't join the others since they were 'commoners'. And well, They really didn't get along. Wow Author-san keeps on getting away from whats actually happening... whoops.

Arthur heard the doorbell ring and walked up to it with a piece of toast in his mouth before opening it. "Good morning Lukas." He watched the other man nod and walk out in front of him. The large black book bag was a heavy weight for Arthur but he seemed to manage. His green gaze fell onto a boy he has seen many times and absolutely hated. Francis Bonnefoy. The man who he also shared his wire with. They glared daggers at each other, before both of them continued their separate paths.

Arthur with Lukas and Francis with Roderich. ( I made them friends, since best boi asses stick together am I right?)
Emil didn't join Lukas and Arthur, since he decided to be emo again and walk with the person that had a string that leaded to nothing, Leon. Two members of the feared magic trio had finally arrived at school, both going separate ways for their classes. Arthur went to his first class, Biology. He shared it with no other reverse cupid, and was on his own. The Lincoln green eyes anxiously looked around the classroom waiting for the teacher to arrive. After some mockery from a normal person the teacher finally walked it and made sure the class was quiet so he could start his lecture.

Arthur started writing something like a poem again since the teacher started rambling over how strange frogs truly are. Which was boring yet funny at the same time. He stared at the paper he wrote on and threw it away, since his seat was seated in the back and close to a trashcan. Of course he had the place others didn't want at all. The bell finally rang and he walked to his next class, which he didn't have alone. Lovino actually was in the class, and he and Arthur get along since they both have the same bitchy attitude. They greeted each other with an unamused stare and sat down next to each other. Lovi didn't really care for the English language and didn't follow the teachers lecture, while for Arthur it was a piece of cake and he was he top of his class. So he doesn't need to pay attention. Both of the boys stared out of the window and where in peace while waiting for the Bell to dismiss their class, So they could get away from the three loud annoying boys in the back. Oh I didn't mention the 'awesome' trio was in this class to. Arthur always thought that they are just three loud crazy people that are full of themselves. Since their threads of fate had no people on the other end. Their soulmates are reverse Cupid's actually, but they aren't hated on.
Arthur made little descriptions of the three on his head, First of all, Mathias Kølhner(did I write that right??). He is a tall Danish guy with no gravity rules for his blonde hair. He seems to know Lukas and Emil for some reason. Probably one of the most caring of the three.
Then we have Gilbert Beilschmidt. He is an albino, and the smallest in size of the three. Brothers with Ludwig. HE SOMEHOW ALWAYS REEKS OF BEER. I MEAN UNDERAGED DRINKING?!? Nevermind that..
Lastly, the leader. That always calls himself the hero. Alfred F Jones. A tall football loving jock with hot muscles.. okay this isn't the time to be gay Arthur.. he is loud and calls everyone bro or dude. Even the teachers...

When the loud American noticed the smaller Brit staring at him and gave his trademarked smile. That made Arthur frown, blush and look away. Lovino had fallen asleep and Arthur poked the fellow Reverse Cupid, in the hope that he may had advise on how to deal with that jock.
Lovi groaned and frowned in his sleep, which made Arthur pull away and not bother the Italian. The awesome trio got split up by the teacher, which Mathias was placed next to Tino, Gilbert next to Antonio and Lovi had to switch places, so he was next to Gilbert's other side. But most importantly.. Alfred was seated next to Arthur. Athur had mumbled a few cuss words before doing his best to ignore the other, but that plan fail when Alfred turned to Arthur. "Yo yo my man!" Arthur tried to stay silent and act like the American wasn't there. "I'm the awesomest hero Alfred F Jones, and what about you.. uh reverse Cupid guy?" Arthur frowned and decided that talking may be the best decision. "Why would you care? And who doesn't know your name.." a sad look and a pout was visible on Alfred's face. "Well.. my soulmate is a Reverse Cupid and I'm trying my best to stop the discrimination. So I'm trying to get to know all of the reverse Cupid's In this school." Arthur rolled his green eyes and thought for a good reply. "First,, You can't make reverse Cupid friends if you have that mindset. Second, you.. are way to Close..-"
Alfred noticed that he and Arthur's noses touch. He pulled away as fast as he could and hid the shame with his signature smile. "Sorry Britt dude! But still, I don't know your name! Or phone number~" Arthur really wanted to slap him and frowned his bushy eyebrows. "I'm Arthur Kirkland, and your not getting my phone number." He said back and asked the teacher if he could move seats.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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