Chapter five: Your what!?

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Dianjia's POV

Our stock got empty and nothing to eat, I do like noodles so any problem? -___-

"Hey Dianjia! Stop getting a lot of noodles! It's not good for your health if you'll eat too much noodles!" Said Yuqi who returned back my beautiful wife on their rock.

"Who gave you the permission to return that noodle back?" I asked irritated. Why do I found her beautiful when she's pissed or angry? It's not that I don't like her but-- wait I like her when she's angry wait no no.. I don't like--- shut up Dianjia what are you talking about?!!

"Myself. Any problem!?" She's really pissed like really really pissed. Who knows maybe later she'll gonna throw anything she sees.

All we do is to put, put back, put, put back. Like for example, I'm gonna put some noodles then she'll put it back on the rock. *sigh* what's her problem!? She's not the one who'll eat that all, it's ME.

"You know Dianjia, noodles aren't good for the body!! Stop putting noodles! Eat vegies will yah!? Tsk!"

"Oh so sorry but trust me, noodles can--"

"Shut up Dianjia and listen to me just this once. I'm telling you."

Should I obey the loser? Or no?

"You shut up. You're not the one who'll get sick, it's me. It's not like you care." I replied making her shocked. Her eyes suddenly watery and bows her head.

"Yeah it's not like I care." Her voice change into cold tone but I think I'm more colder. But why does I suddenly felt guilty? Whatever.

"You cared for me, aren't you?" I question her. But still her head is low. I just tell her, "fine." Which make her looked up to me and flash a wide smile that shows her beauty.

O-kay... So... wait where's my phone? Where on earth is my phone!?


"Could you stop playing on your phone for just once and help me with this!?" Yuqi.

I rolled my eyes and put my phone on the spread section.

End of flashback.

"Yeah right! Spread section!"

"What? Spread section?" Yuqi asked while getting some chips.

"Gonna get my phone on the spread section. Wait me here." I remind her. Who knows maybe she'll gonna leave without my permission. That dumby girl.

I immediately run and tried to find the spread section and tries to find my wife as much as possible, who knows maybe someone got it and then-- no... Just think positive Dianjia.

[2000 years later]

Finally! I thought someone already took it. I'll gonna kill whose gonna stole my belo..ngings...

Who's that ugly punk whose flirting with my Yuqi? Wait... 'My Yuqi?' Erase that it's nonsense! Author jiejie pls erase that, okay? Okay.

I fasten my walk and put around my hand on Yuqi's shoulder. What's this dude's problem why flirting with Yuqi?

"Who you?"

Yuqi's POV

I'm currently waiting for Dianjia to comeback when this boy who's just around my age suddenly shows up and smirked. Ewww it doesn't suit him tho!! It looks so... Yuck?

"Hi, are you lonely?" He asked, and does sounds like flirting. Oh come on!! Dianjia could you make it faster and help me!?

"Nope. I'm with someone." I replied.

"I don't think so you're lonely. Don't worry I can accompany you tho." He suggested and holds my hand.

Dianjia could you make it a lil bit more faster I'm so done!!! Where on outerspace did yo---

"Who you?" I got frozen when this person who puts his hand around my shoulder and that is one and only "Dianjia..."

"Ohh should I be the one who asked you that?" Said this who ever he is.

"I'm her boyfriend so back off."


I-im.. What? What is he talking about!? Argh!! Who ever he is suddenly raised his two hands like he's surrendering.

"I'm really really sorry I was just trying to accompany her. Alright, got to go." And he turn his heel back at us and started to walk. While I looked up to Dianjia, pissed, like gosh!!!

"You're my what!? My boyfriend!? Are you kidding me!? You could just say I'm your maid! Your friend or whatever!! I hate you you're so evil!!"

"Are you done?"

"No! You really do like pissing me off yeah!? Find someone to piss not me, you're making me hate you more when all I do is to make us friends cause that's what my mother wants and-- tsk! I REALLY REALLY HATE YOU GUO DIANJIA!!!!"

"So that's all let's go." He said then holds my hand and drag me somewhere.

"Where on earth are you taking me?! Tsk let me go!"

"Somewhere far from stress. You're making me stress."

"Then why taking me with you?"

"I wouldn't be a good teenage boy if I wouldn't bring you along with me." He replied with a wink and holds my hand tightly. My... Myheartpleasestopfromincreasingimbeggingyou

"O-kay?" I answered, nothing to say, I don't know how to answer him it seems so... Awkward--no, I'm shy. Why would I be shy?!!!

"We're here."


Brat   ★YHBOYS ▷ Guo Dianjia ff ◁ (Book 1 of Brat Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now