Prompt 36

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A/N: I'm not quite sure if this is what you wanted, but here you go!

"This is girl talk, so leave"


"So, how's life with a baby?" Becky asks.

"It's really stressful, really, but I love it" Ariel explains, "I'm actually quite glad to be having this girl's night!"

"If there's no ice cream, is it really a girl's night?" I ask.

"Quit your whining, Y/N!" Becky laughs, "I've already asked Keith to get some on his way home, he said he'll text me when he's on the way."

I stick my tongue out at her, and they both laugh at me.

"So what shall we do until then?" Ariel questions, "Film and face masks?"

"Yesssss" I cheer.

"What do we want to watch, ladies?" Becky asks. "Are we feeling more Mean Girls or 10 Things I Hate About You?"

"Mean Girls, always." I say, "Duh."

~Time Skip (That's so fetch)~

Mean Girls had just ended, and we had done face masks, waxed(against me and Becky's will, might I add), painted each others' nails, and changed into our pyjamas. Picking out a next film proved more difficult than picking the first, and in the end, we landed on Dirty Dancing

"Who could say no to Patrick Swayze?" Becky says, rhetorically.

"I would kill to have been Swayze-d." Ariel says, "I would cheat on Ned with Swayze. I mean, if he wasn't dead. He'd be on my list, you know 'celebrities I'm allowed to cheat with', like they do in TV shows."

"Oh my God, I would love to be in a room alone with him, just look at him on the floor with that look on his face, mmmmm." I join in.

We hear the door close, and Becky shouts, "It's girl talk in here Keith, don't you dare come in!"

"He's just so dreamy!" I continue, when we hear a thud.

We all look round, shocked, and see three boys standing in the doorway, and Zach storming away, clutching his hand. I get up and follow him, confused.

"Zach?" No answer. There's not many places he could be in Keith and Becky's place, so I wander around looking for him, "Zach?" I call, pushing open the bedroom door to find him sitting there, one hand holding his head up and the other curled lightly like it hurts. "What are you doing in here? What's wrong?"

He refuses to look up, let alone answer, "What's up with your hand?" I ask as I move closer, kneeling in front of him, trying to catch his eye. No answer.

I take his hand, gently inspecting it, and then, wordlessly, I go to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit I know Becky keeps. He winces at the disinfectant but still says nothing, until I'm carefully bandaging it.

"Are you cheating on me?" He mumbles, "Is there someone so dreamy that he's worth cheating on me with? I know I'm passable, at best, I know I'm not dreamy, or sexy, I know you must feel like you put up with a lot dating me, but I didn't think you'd feel like you have to be kind to me, or that you'd feel like you have to stay."

"What?" I ask, in disbelief, "Why would I cheat on you?"

"There's so much better out there, and I know you can do so much better. I know that even without all the comments telling me. You're amazing, and I'm just shit. You're a fucking 10 all round, and I'm a 2."

"Zach, why do you feel like that? I love you, and nothing is going to change that. I think you're dreamy, sexy, amazing, kind, handsome, smart, and so much more, I don't care what anyone else thinks, and I sure as hell don't care what anyone insecure enough to have to put others down on the internet has to think."

"You... you love me?" 

"Yeah..." I blush, realising this was the first time I'd told him that, I mean of course I'd told the girls, but not him, not yet, "I do."

"That's good, because I love you too..." he catches my lips with his, pulling me into a sweet kiss. "So who's dreamy then? I'm sure you weren't talking about me."

I giggle, "We're part way through Dirty Dancing."

"Oooohhhh, Swayze" Zach sighs, "let's face it, I'd cheat on you with Swayze."

I laugh, and lead him back downstairs, where the guys have all settled down around us. We sit on the floor, covered in a blanket, and I lean into Zach's side.

As we resume the film, I whisper, "I love you, Zach Kornfeld."

"I love you too, Y/N Y/L/N."

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