Because Jack Isn't The Only One With A Thing For Roofs Apparently

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The Roof Of The Jacobsmobile

7:00 AM

Day 4


It was early-not the kind of early Spot was used to, with factory whistles shouting in the distance and smoke already filling the streets, but something cleaner and older, with a watery sun slowly climbing over the misty cornfields. On the whole, Spot preferred the smoke and whistles.

He fished in his pocket and pulled out a battered flip phone. As long as he was here, he might as well make sure the guys were all right. As he flipped it open, a message instantly appeared:

Matches in fight w/ some guy from bronx. Advice?

Smirking a little, he tapped out a response.

Let em go at it until one draws blood.

He paused for a moment, then added:

What are they fighting about anyway?

There was a second's pause, then:

Bronx guy said u r short

Spot laughed. Matches seriously got into a fight about that? They needed him even more than he thought. As he was thinking of a response, the back door of the van slid open, and someone climbed onto the roof next to him.

"Mind if I join ya?" Race grinned.

"Sure." He smiled and snapped the phone closed. "Did I wake you up when I left?"

"Nah. I wasn't really asleep most a' the night. You were pretty much on top a' me and I couldn't breathe. Kinda hard to fall asleep when you're slowly suffocating." He glanced at the phone in Spot's hand. "So, whatcha got today?"

"One a' my guys got into a fistfight with some idiot from the Bronx who said I'm short."

"Oh no!" Racetrack pretended to be shocked. "How dare he state basic facts!"

The next thing that Race said was more of a scream than anything as he fell face first into the parking lot.

Davey pressed his face to the window. "Did Race just fall off the roof?"

Jack smirked. "Nah, Spot pushed him. They do this all the time. Race prob'ly called him short again."

"Really?" Davey's eyes widened. "That doesn't seem quite right."

Jack smirked at him, unconcerned. "I keep forgettin' how new you are. Just give 'em half an hour, they'll catch up."

Spot leaped off of the roof and poked Race's prone form with his foot. "You okay?"

Race groaned loudly and slowly sat up. "I'm gonna get ya for this one a' these days."

Spot smiled patronizingly at him and helped him up. "I'm sure ya will, Race. In the meantime, though, we should prob'ly check in with the others. They saw ya fall and they'll be worried."

"I did not fall! Ya pushed me, remember?"

"I know," Spot grinned. "But they don't."

"You're gonna drive me crazy, ya know that?"

Spot posed dramatically. "Don't I already?"

Race only rolled his eyes. "Sure."

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