Discussions of a Familial Nature

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"Alright everyone!" Snatcher called out, watching as his subjects shifted their attention from the glowing lights up in the sky to him. "I have some business to attend to, so please wait here until I come back!"

Before Hat Kid could even ask what he was talking about she found herself getting scooped up into the shadow's arms and carried out of sight. The duo vanished behind a nearby home while Moonjumper and Mu watched on, both immediately understanding exactly what Snatcher's intentions were.

The hooded girl glanced up at the corpse beside her. "So, are we gonna eavesdrop on them or what?"

Moonjumper smiled, pleased his new daughter had come up with the same idea he had. "Of course we are!"

The corpse then picked Mu up and floated towards the house Snatcher had decided to hide behind. Once he got close to the stump he lowered himself until he was resting on the "roof", far enough back so the shadow could not see him but close enough so he could hear what was going on. Mu squirmed out of his grasp and scooted closer so she could peer over the edge of the structure and see what was going on.

Neither felt too bothered by the thin layer of snow that covered the surface they were laying on. Sure, the cold was unpleasant, but they were far more focused on the spectacle that was certain to go on in front of them.

Meanwhile the crowd of Subconites and Dwellers remained where they were, glancing back and forth between each other. No one fully knew what was going on, but several had an idea of why their ruler would need to talk to the hatted child in a more private setting.

Suddenly one Subconite shouted out. "I bet one hundred Pons that the Boss is gonna talk to the newbie about family stuff!"

Another one snorted. "I bet two hundred that the Boss is going to call her his daughter again!"

Murmurs broke out among the crowd. The smaller shadows all made various guesses as to what Snatcher was discussing with Hat Kid, with family being the consistent theme during the discussions. Pons were traded and bets were made as to what the outcome would be of their private conversation.

Needless to say everyone wanted the newbie to officially join their makeshift family.

Back with Snatcher and Hat Kid, the hatted child was more than a little concerned when she noticed how tense the shadow was. Of course they had all just been through an incredibly stressful and emotional situation, she had shed more than a few tears during the ceremony, but she had a feeling this was not related to what had just happened.

He was tense, yes, and yet she could almost feel excitement radiating off of him.

Actually the past couple of times she visited Subcon she could have sworn she sensed something in the air. Some unknown energy that made her hair stand on end, similar to when she had entered Vanessa's manor, but entirely different because it made her feel safe.

However that was something she would have to think about another time.

"Kid I know we've both said certain things." Snatcher began, cringing when he caught sight of the confused expression on Hat Kid's face. "Stuff about each other and I..."

Dammit, this was going to be significantly harder than he thought!

"What I mean is..." The shadow trailed off and huffed in frustration. "We've been through a lot together and I-"

"Are you trying to propose to me or something?" Hat Kid suddenly interrupted, suppressing the smile that tried to form on her face when Snatcher paled. "You know that's illegal right?"

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