24- Repetitive Sort of Betrayal (*)

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Main Title- Amazing Spider-Man

Playing Basketball- Amazing Spider-Man


(when it goes up): lokidottir

For now, I found this gif of Loki that made me absolutely crack up. I couldn't resist.

Chapter Twenty-Four

~Thea's POV~

The others are taking the Declaration into Tony's room, Kyle, Bruce, Jack and I make our way there.

"What happens after this?" Jack asks suddenly; he's been on his phone the entire time on the drive back to the hotel, frowning. I can't help that think something is wrong. "We go to the jewel place is, right?"

"After we crack the code, yes," says Bruce lightly.

"And...we are going with you, right?" asks Jack.

This time, I'm the one that frowns and open my mouth at Jack, but he gives me a very pointed look that clearly tells me to shut up. So I do.

"Why are you asking that?" asks Kyle, letting us into the hotel room.

"You know," says Jack accusingly, "Because you tend to leave us out on some important stuff."

Kyle rolls his eyes as we settle down onto some of the couches to wait for the Declaration's arrival.

When it gets here, and after Steve practically slams the door shut and triple-checks the lock, Natasha is quick to clear everyone from the table. "Agents Coulson and Hill will be here soon. Only them, Bruce, and I are going to be touching it."

Nobody argues this point.

"Wait," I say as they move the framed Declaration onto the table. "Were you and Kyle kissing?"

Clint Barton looks up so quickly, I'm surprised he doesn't crick his neck.

Jack smirks, "You were all over each other."

Nat rolls her eyes unconcernedly, "It was field work. Kyle's not the first person that it's happened to."

Clint doesn't look any more satisfied, and Steve coughs surreptitiously into his hand.

Kyle's half-moon smirk comes out as he grins at Natasha. Wiggling his eyebrows, he says in a smooth voice, "Don't deny that you didn't like it."

Natasha's response is to spray him in his unused eye with the antibiotic spray Bruce and Tony had brought back from the truck. She speaks up to be heard over Kyle's yells and various curses as he totters around the room, trying to get the spray out of his eyes, "I want everyone to back up. Just because we stole a national treasure doesn't mean that we are going to destroy it."

Her voice is so commanding that everyone does as she says, even Kyle, who is still looking at her imploringly.


Coulson and Maria arrive ten minutes later, although Coulson is still speaking hurriedly into his cell phone. As Maria gets on some white artifact gloves, Coulson speaks to Tony in an undertone, nodding towards Jack and me. While Jack frowns, I cock my head. That was weird.

When Coulson gets off the phone, he, Maria, Bruce, and Natasha (all white-gloved) begin to take the frame off of the Declaration. Very, very carefully, they lift it off and hand it to Steve, who very carefully sets it down on the floor beside the table.

Three Tasks| Book 2| A novel in the Blue Moon series| An Avengers fan fiction series|*under editing*Where stories live. Discover now