25- Not Again (*)

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Enjoy the chapter! I absolutely ADORED writing it.

PS, if you listen to these songs, it will make it so much more intersting. 


The Chase- National Treasure soundtrack

Footchase- National Treasure soundtrack

Edit: lokidottir

Chapter Twenty-Five

~Thea's POV~

When I wake up the next morning, I know for sure that something fishy is going on. For one thing, Natasha won't let me go with her and Sam to get breakfast. 

"Jack's not going either," she points out. "He's sleeping." 

Hah. Jack's not sleeping. 

Natasha drops me off at Jack's room (sure enough, he's snoring way too loudly to be totally convincible), and heads off with an airy wave. Max and Kyle aren't here; they're in the other room with Stark, but Clint's in here. 

"Hi Clint," I say in what I hope is a bored voice, fidgeting with my backpack slightly nervously. 

"Hey Thea," he says, glancing up from his charts that he's been fiddling with, "How'd you sleep."

"Not too well," I say, which is not a lie, "I might just lie down on one of the beds, if that's okay." 

He waves me off unconcernedly, "Yeah, sure, go for it." 

I sneak into Jack's bedroom, which, as it turns out, is the one closest to the suite's door (I find out that Jack planned it this way on purpose, the clever monkey). As soon as he hears the lock turn, he leaps out of bed, fully clothed, sending the covers onto the floor with his enthusiasm. "You have your backpack? The cloak?" When I nod, he grins, "Excellent."

"Jack," I say as I watch him run around the room, gathering various supplies including what I recognize as Clint's stun gun. Good heavens, this boy is enthusiastic, "Why can't we just wait until the last minute to head out? We have the papers." 

"Because Thea," says Jack as-a-matter-of-factly, "They're going to know we have the papers within the next half hour, if sooner. It won't be good to be holed up in a hotel room when they discover that. Oh, and Nat and Sam are gone, which gives us two less people off our trail already. Most of that lot's in Stark's room, planning. This is the opportunity of a lifetime."

I wouldn't say a lifetime, but I get his point. 

"Okay," says Jack five minutes later, after he hands me one of the tranquilizer guns, and a couple of fancy-looking spy equipment. "You ready?" 

I take a deep breath. "Yeah." 

Jack looks more excited than he has been the entire time I've been with him the past month. He must get his danger-loving side from his uncle. 


~Nobody's POV~

Clint Barton looks up curiously as Jack opens the door. "Oh hey Jack," he says mildly, "I thought you were sleeping."

Jack shrugs. "I got up when I heard Thea."

"And Thea is..."

Jack nods back towards the room. "She's sleeping. Or trying to. I don't think she had a good night."

"Ah," says Clint, watching Jack as his nephew heads towards the door. "And what are you doing?" 

"Going down to that little gift shop I went to last night. I'm starving."

Three Tasks| Book 2| A novel in the Blue Moon series| An Avengers fan fiction series|*under editing*Where stories live. Discover now