4- An Angel's Halo

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Hello all!! :) 

Here's another chapter. It's a bit short, and a little sad, but I hope you like it!!!!


A Drop in the Ocean-- Ron Pope (If you play if during the funeral scene, it gets really emotional.) (Just saying)

Edit: lokidottir

Chapter Four 

~Thea's POV~

I wake up in a sweat, and panting. My dreams had been full of burning, of knives falling, and of shadowy snakes. 

I look at the clock. 6 AM. We're getting to the church around eight, and although technically I could sleep a little more, I decide to get up. I don't feel like sleeping, anyway- I'm still shaking. 

After I shower, I feel a little better, and the bright sunlight helps too. I change into my black dress, the same one I had worn to Bryce's funeral. It's a little short on me, but it's still acceptable. 

My phone is silent: Jack will look for any excuse to sleep more, and even though I'm sure Peter is awake, there is nothing from him. I text him good morning, but I don't get my hopes up that he will reply. 

Stark Tower is already bustling. I run into Max first, right outside his room, who is munching on a bagel, already dressed in a black suit. His hair is still wet; he must have taken an early morning shower too. "Morning, Thea," he says between bites of his breakfast. "How'd you sleep?" 

"Fine," I say, even though I know that he knows that I know he knows I slept pathetically, as usual. 

"Get ready to leave in about an hour," he informs me, and is joined by Kyle, who is in a towel. He wriggles his eyebrows at me.

"Yeesh!" I exclaim, covering my eyes. "Kyle!" 

"I heard voices," says Kyle innocently, "I wanted to make sure you weren't getting in any more fights."

"Max and I don't argue," I point out, my eyes still covered. "He tells me what to do, and I usually do it." 

"Yeah, how does that work, anyway?" asks Kyle. His tone is gleeful. "How come she listens to you and not to me?"

"Because I don't walk out of my room in a towel," says Max blandly. 

"Burn." I say, wishing I could see Kyle's expression. "I'm going to get something to eat." 

"Clint's down there," Max calls after me, "He probably wants to say hi to you."

"Okay," I navigate away from the hallway, then open my eyes as I turn a corner. 

Sure enough, I find Clint Barton talking to Agent Hill on a balcony overlooking the city. I'd seen Maria last night, but I'm glad to finally reunite with Clint. He greets me with a clap on my shoulder. "Thea! How've you been?"

"Moderate," I say with full sincerity. 

"You need to come around more often," says Clint with a slight smirk, "My nephew hasn't been in nearly as much trouble as he got in when he was with you." 

"I'm honored," I say dryly. 

By the time I get down to the kitchen, I've seen everybody, including Bruce, except for Tony, who is either sleeping or working. As I sit at the kitchen counter, eating a bowl of cereal, Kyle saunters in. He's dressed exactly like his brother, including the wet hair, which is more obvious because he has more hair than Max. 

"Cereal good?" Kyle asks with his famous smirk. 

"I'm not talking to you," I say. "You scarred me for life." 

Three Tasks| Book 2| A novel in the Blue Moon series| An Avengers fan fiction series|*under editing*Where stories live. Discover now