Stage 1

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Stage 1: Pick Your Poison

Harry POV-

"Harry?" It was Niall that spoke, cutting through the silence. His eyebrow piercing was shining in the sunlight and a few of his tattoos were peaking out from beneath his plain white T-shirt.

"What?" I said rather harshly. I was just ready for stage one to be completed, what came after was always the best part and I was eager to get there. To me, the game was what made my life entertaining. None of the people that I hung around made me as happy as the game did, no one could ever have that effect on me.

"I think I found my girl." He smirked evily and was watching his pick from over my shoulder. I turned slightly so I could get a sight at who he had chosen.

"Ahh, Sarah Summers. The girl with the pop star name and model looks. Good choice mate, too bad she's such a prude." I chuckled while he scoped out possibilities for aproaching his 'subject' in a not so suspicious manner. I pulled my gaze away from her graciously given looks and glanced around the court yard.

There she was.

"Niall," I paused and nodded my head to my choice without even looking at him, knowing that I already had his full attention. "The one with the beanie and glasses."

"Going for the nerdy girls now Styles?" I laughed and just shook my head, keeping my sight focused on her.

"That's Grace Anderson. She has nothing on her record, not a single grade under an A, and I bet her family life is perfect." I smirked, I had seen her around. "She always has nice cars coming to pick her up from her classes, she always is trying to avoid contact with everyone else and she rarely ever talks. She probably thinks that she's too good for everyone around her. I mean, it's pretty obvious to see that she is rich, with her new-car-every-day standards. Now it certainly would be a shame if someone came in a ruined that right Horan?"

"Dude, how do you even know all that?" Niall was trying to contain his laughter, I could tell he was thoroughly curious though.

"I get bored and it's not exactly hard to work my Styles magic on the record keeper." I chuckled, giving him a slight shrug of my shoulders, I stood up before facing him with my award winning smirk.

"Beginning so early?" He was referring to the game, normally I gave the girl a couple of days before I started stage two.

"I have a feeling this one is going to be a little harder to work with." I glanced back at the girl who was innocently reading her book. "See ya later mate." We did our handshake before I walked away leaving him to begin his plan of action.

I pulled a cigarette out of my pack and lit it up, placing it gently between my lips. I wasn't sure of where I was headed yet but I knew it had to be somewhere where I could plan this rejection out in peace. I needed quiet, I needed to be alone.

I was ready to tear this girls world apart, I mean that's the entire purpose of girls right?

Girls are just toys and unless you break them down, they break you.

I would know.

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