Stage 4

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Stage 4: Intense Preperations

Harry POV-

She looked scared. Completely and thoroughly shaken. I had known of her fear of heights, and yet there we stood. On the roof of the old abandoned factory. The machines beneath us hadn't been touched in over ten years, making it the perfect spot of isolation. I placed a comforting hand on her cheek, and she relaxed slightly.

"Why did you bring me here?" Her voice was strained, she was trying to contain the wavering tone that was threatening to surface. I looked at the horizon and smiled slightly. The sun was setting, creating the sight that you would see in calendars.

"Look." She followed my gaze and leaned closer to me. I glanced over at her, she was smiling faintly. The sight was beautiful, clearly out shining the sunset.

"Thank you." Those two words. They held so much meaning. She could be thanking me for a multitude of things, yet there was no need. I would do anything for her. I would always. She didn't need to thank me, I was doing it for the both of us.

I woke abruptly, shaking slightly. I truly hated that dream, that nightmare, that memory. I thoroughly hated her for ever letting me feel that way, for ever giving me a glimpse of the happiness that was possible. Of course she sure did ruin that. She tore every part of that sick fantasy that she had started out of me.

I deeply sighed in disappointment at myself as I took in the sight around me: the strewn clothes, the empty bottles. It was a mess, I was a mess. I didn't enjoy the life I had created for myself but I did enjoy every figment of happiness that I was enabled to destroy. Bad habit, indeed, yet it was so relieving to know that I could make others feel the pain that she had created within me.

What she did wasn't a bad thing to do honestly. At least she gave me the opportunity to realize the pain of the world, she taught me never to trust, never to lean on others, never to let anyone have that chance.

I got out my papers and reseach. I would have to piece together everything I had managed to find out about Grace before approaching once again. This time I would have to be completely ready for the outcomes, she needed to be worked with a certain type of ability. Any other man from the streets wouldn't be able to loosen her mental and physical lock, but I had no doubt that I could.

I simply had to.

Grace POV-

"Do you have everything you need to protect yourself, if needed?"

"Yes, father. Everything is in my bag." I tightened my grip on the strap that was always thrown upon my shoulder.

"Good, good. The car will pick you up within the hour, remember your visitation can only be for a half an hour. The cemetery is rather open, but you surely already know that." He seemed so calm about the subject. 

Father had already suppressed what he did to our family to the far back of his mind where all forgotten thoughts go to play.

You see, he was supposed to be trusted, to be the one to protect our family.

But then after that one night, any dreams of a normal family seemed to disappear as if they were the leaves in the autumn wind. 


The guards were surrounding me and making it almost hard to breath. With money, people care if you survive or not but if I were the daughter of any other parents things would surely be different. 

I wouldn't have guards, I wouldn't have intense security wherever I went. I wouldn't have any of that, no one would care enough about a poor person for that.

But of course I wasn't that normal. No, I had to be the daughter of the most important businessman in the United States. 

I looked at the words engraved in the hard stone before me. It signified her death, the ones that loved her and the ones that had been important to her. My mothers name was elegantly written, 'Elizabeth Gregg'. My heart throbbed at the memory of that night. It wasn't supposed to happen like that. It was supposed to be a happy night, a celebration. 

But no the one that was supposed to love me ruined that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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