Act 2: New Allies

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a mysterious masked knight?
And Witches?!

Our act begins with Ritsu walking with Stella...
'*yawns* sighs. The air feels nice today. Don't you think Stella?'
Stella:Hm yea totally. Ritsu. Stand still.
'Uh alright.'
Stella:*thinks hard then* I got it!*waves her hand toward Ritsu magic comes from her hand*
*Ritsu's outfit changes to Bloom's daily attire from special 1*
'Wow, I didn't know you could do magic even when your not transformed.'
^You can. It's a fun capability.^
Stella:Here you try me. Start with the basics.
'*thinks hard and..* Alright.*waves her towards Stella a purple start hairband appears*'
Stella:Nice Ritsu, your catching up fast. Ooh this is the hairband I saw in Solaria.
'Well I was thinking stars suit you Stella.'
Stella:That's pretty good Ritsu.
'Ahaha thanks.'
*ritsu walks ahead a little and bumps into*
'Ah!*falls to the floor on her bootie*ow.'
^Rit--ah! Meow.^
'Ugh. *looks up* ah! You again.'
"Hm. It seems you don't know where your going here*stretches his arm toward Ritsu*"
'*makes eye contact with him* no thanks. I can stand up for my self thank you.*looks away*'
"Sighs. Suit yourself.*walks the way Ritsu and Stella are going but takes a different route*"
'Ugh.*stands and wipes down her skirt*Jerk. Hmph.'
Stella:Ooh, more like future lover?
'Wrong. I would never fall for him.
Stella:But he is handsome.
'Yea sure I guess. Let's just go to school already.'
*walks ahead*
'(There he is again, I keep seeing him everywhere I go?! What's the big deal?!)'
*she turns a corner passes by three girls who have a negative aura to them*
'*turns around*'
Stella:What's wrong Ritsu?
'I thought I saw something.'
*they arrive in school*
'Here Diana, stay in my bag.'
^*Nods and jumps in Ritsu's bag*^
'*sits in her seat*'
Ms. Irie:Miss Tsukino can you follow me to the main office I have someone I want you to meet.
'Yes ma'am.'
*walks and follows the teacher though the door awaits*
Ms. Irie:Miss a Tsukino this is the student teacher Yamato Kougami who will be joining our class.
*he turns and faces them*
'Gasps*puts her hand to her mouth*y-you..'
"We meet again little miss clumsy.* smirks crosses his arms*"
'Ha. Have to say the same. Mr. Jerk*crosses arms and looks the other way*.'
Ms. Irie:So you both met. That's good. Well Mr. Kougami. This is our student council president Miss Ritsu Tsukino.
'*bows*Nice to meet you. Mr. Kougami.'
"*bows*You too. Miss Tsukino."
Ms. Irie:Miss Tsukino' I would like you to guide Mr. Kougami to our class. He'll be teaching starting today. So, now go on you two.
'Yes ma'am.'
*begins to walk*
'(Sighs, I'm stuck seeing this jerk again. Probably through out the week he'll tease me sighs.)'
"So your in highschool well figured since I bumped into you this morning."
'Yea I know. Sighs. Well this is my high school.'
*walks in and everyone stands up and bows*
'Alright guys. Ms. Irie won't be teaching for a while. And now our student Teacher Mr. Kougami will be teaching us for the rest of the semester. Yay.*says sacastically and walks back to her seat*'
"Thank you. Miss Tsukino. Alright. As you heard I'm Mr. Kougami. I'm a s.tudent teacher and I graduated college and got my degree. I teach English,math, and science. So you'll have me for three periods."
'(Sighs. Will this day get worse? Or better?)'
Time skips...
"That's all for today. Good job guys."
Stella:*walks to Ritsu's desk* Ritsu. We'll wpbe going to the crown cafe. That's where we'll be meeting our allies.
'Alright let's go.*grabs stuff walks to the door and drops her notebook*'
"Hm? Sighs, hey. Miss clumsy."
*walks to Ritsu who stopped walking and never turned back*
"*puts the notebook on her head* You dropped this. Miss clumsy."
'*takes notebook* Thanks. And stop calling me miss clumsy. I have a name.*walks away*'
"Hm.(If I still have time I could see if that girl. Sailor moon is out there. Maybe she knows the Dragon flame. Or even that crystal..)"
*gathers stuff and gets walks home*
'Ugh. He is such..a Jerk!>~<'
Stella:You know they say, that if a guy and girl hate each other in the end they end up falling in love.
'Well I don't believe that. He's too much of a jerk to fall in love with, bleh.'
Stella:Well you never know.
*both turn and walk into the crown cafe and arcade*
^Sighs. This brings back^
*hops out of bag*
'How Diana?'
^I'll show you and the girls after this place closes.^
'Alright.*turns and sees three girls. One with pink hair,one with dark blue hair, and one with a light shade of brown hair*(hey I've seen them in our school.)'
??:oh their here.
'So your our allies?'
'I've seen you all before you go to juban high school. Your Tecna Mizuno the tech genius. Your Musa Hino. Your in the schools band. And your Flora Kino. Your in the gardening club.'
Musa:And your Ritsu Tsukino. The school's student council president.
Stella:You probably don't know me. But I'm in fashion club.
Tecna:Oh wait. Your Stella Aino and sailor v.
Stella:Yea I am.
Tecna:So what's the reason you called all of us here Diana?
^It should be the right time you all met. This evil is not going to rest till they get what they want.^
'What do they want?'
^we can't talk here. Even walls have ears.^
hours have passed..
^*looks around once more and unlocks the gate to the cafe and goes through the door*^
*sounds of evil laughter*
'Huh?*turns around*'
Flora:Ritsu, are you alright?
'Huh? Yea. I need check something out.'
*runs to the alley way and sees three girls with dark auras surrounding them*
'(I've seen them before...when I bumped into Kougami-San.)'
*hides behind trash cans*
???:No use running away human. We'll get your energy in a flash. Ahaha. Sisters.
*they put their hands in the air towards a human girl*
'(I knew, their was something strange about them.I should go and get the other girls. But theirs no time. I'll try to stop them myself.)
'*puts hand in the air* Moon Charmix power!*transforms into sailor moon*'
???:Ooh let me sister.
'Stop right there!'
???:What? A sailor bimble. Hmph.
'I am the pretty guardian in a sailor suit I stand for love and I stand for Justice, I am Sailor Moon, and in the name of the moon I shall punish you!'
???:So your Sailor moon hm. Well I'm. Icy.
???:I'm Darcy.
???:I'm stormy.
Icy:Together, we're the Trix. I've heard Sailor moon, do you know what you hold?
'No. But I'm here to stop you. It's wrong to steal the energy of humans. I may be new to this but I'm a sailor guardian, so get back*orange like glitter comes from Ritsu's hand then goes down to the ground*
Icy:*evil kackle* you call that magic..well this is magic freeze ray!
'Ah!*blocks it with her arms then*
*a white caped figure jumps in*
Icy:What? Oh lookie here another nuisance.
Darcy:Hey their, hot stuff.
"*throws white roses at them and a smoke bomb*"
Icy,Darcy,Stormy: ahhhh!!!!
*grabs Ritsu bridal style and Jumps to the roof*
'(Hm? I feel warm...and this smell...)*opens eyes and sees moonlight a.k.a Yamato holding her close*eyes open wide*....Who?'
"*smiles and puts her down and swishes his cape*I...Moonlight Mask..."
Stella: Alright ready ladies! You witches are going down!!
Darcy:Like to see you try...
'My friends. I need get back.*bows* thank you, for saving me..*jumps back down to the alley*'
"(Hm. Sailor Moon..)"
Flora:Ritsu, you could have called us.
'I know but their wasn't time they were about to--'
Icy:UGHHHHH! Enough! You sailor scouts are too much to deal with. Valedor, it's your turn to serve the Trix. Defeat the sailor guardians and continue stealing energy from these useless humans!
Suddenly emerging from the ground the same troll that attacked Ritsu and Stella appears and Trix disappear without leaving a trail...
Valedor the troll:You defeated me once but I'm not letting you defeat me again!!!
Musa:Uh, do we have a plan?
'*Ritsu's tiara sparkles* Musa, Flora, try to distract the troll and Stella, and Tecna we'll attack it from behind(Whoa, what am I saying?) time to defeat this monster!*suddenly sparkles fill the air and a crystal moon wand land in front of Ritsu* whoa'
^Sailor Moon. You are the leader and true leader of the Sailor Guardians. Use this wand and say Moon crystal twilight attack.^
'*holds the wand* Alright. Now ladies, follow the plan.'
Girls altogether:Got it!
Musa:Mars music echo!!!
Flora:Jupiter ivy wrap!!
Stella:Shining Sun!
Tecna:Technic shock!
'My turn!*does dramatic thing like sailor moon* Moon Crystal, Twilight Attack!!*a purple and pink like Ray attacks the troll*'
Valedor:Argh!!!!!!!!!!*valedor gets diminished*
'I did it.'
Stella:Nice Sailor Moon!
"I guess theirs no need for me.*swishes his cape*"
'Yea. Ahaha I--oh. *notices moonlight mask walking away*Wait Moonlight Mask!*runs*'
Stella:Seems Ritsu made a friend. More like secret lover ahaha.
Flora:Stella don't tease Ritsu like that.
^*looks at running Ritsu*^
"*turns. Around and faces Ritsu*"
'Why...why did you save me?'
"I've been like this for as long as I could remember..Sailor Moon.."
'*puts her hand on her brooch*Yes?'
"I think it's best for you not to get close to me..(Do you have the ruby flower crystal? Why are you so curious about me?)"
'Moonlight..Mask..B-But why? What's the reason why, I should stay away from you?(I...should stay away...? What do you hide?)'
"That is confidential..till then Sailor Moon.*slightly bows and with a swish of his cape he runs off*"
'*looks at Moonlight Mask's back while he runs*....Moonlight..sighs..Mask..*blushes slightly*Oh,*picks up a heart shape locket and opens it with nothing in it*....a locket?'
'*time skips Ritsu is at home with her cheeks cupped by her hand as she looks at the moon and pictures Moonlight Mask*sighs.'
^You seem off, you did a wonderful job tonight, all of you were able to work as a team.^
'Who is he?'
'Moonlight Mask..he left this locket...a heart shaped locket.. Hm..(I can't get that though out of my head.."I think it's not best to get close to me sailor moon"...Why...?*lays on her bed and drifts off into sleep*'
Meanwhile with Yamato asleep but has a dream?...
"*tosses and turns*...argh.."
??? the...the ruby flower me....
"Help you? How? I don't know who you are.."
*sounds of fire cracking and swords clashing an explosion*
???:Save me....Kakeru...I..*screams ahhh!!!!!!!!
"No...*wakes up and breathes heavily*Ah head*rubs his head* sighs..."
Meanwhile back into the dark demension in the lair of the Trix and Asheron....
Icy:Argh! We were so close!!!!!!*an ice storm spread*
Stormy:Yea we were so close we could of just destroyed them right there..
Darcy:Their were too many of them and three of us..
Icy:But sisters. We have our powers...I sense that sailor moon...has the dragon flame...Valedor..was such a fool and failed us!!!! We'll have to get revenge..but first we have to report on what we--
???:No need Icy...
Icy,Darcy,stormy:Master.*witches kneel*
Asheron:My plan will go smoothly. I will grant you the gifts you need for the ritual of stealing the dragon flame from Sailor Moon...get it for me and do not fail me again...*dissappears*
Icy:Argh...Fine we'll do as he says. Sisters let's get our share first of course.*evil cackle* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!*all sisters laugh*

End of act 2...
What will become of sailor moon? What are the witches planning to do? Will sailor moon and Moonlight mask become close? What will Ritsu do to find who her masked man really is?!

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